Amazing Growth?


New Member
When I took this picture of my auto hijack in the red solo cup it seemed a tiny thing, 10 days old from poking its head above ground.

1 week later, following transplant it stands about 5" tall with a wingspan of approx. 9".

This is a 60 day auto flower feminized so maybe it accounts for that growth-to me it seems remarkable.

I have been feeding my plants CO2 every day though, and I wonder if that hasn't helped a lot!


Ten day olds are looking good-wish I had your grow space!:thumb:

By the by, what are you growing in?
Details please...
Rubbermaid tubs 1 gal containers humbolt nutes , miracle grow , and ole faithfull..... and co2 closet with box fan mounted on ceiling into attic filtered. 8 gals. per reservoir 60 gal per hr pond pump double dripping 24 7.. bout 2 fan it up too....... Good luck with that sweet bountiful harvest... Any ideas for me hollar ???
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