Am I growing Hops?


Well-Known Member
Greetings from a legal to grow state. I have a question on bud formation that I hope one of the brilliant minds on can help with . This is a new version of Auto that is a cross of Mi5 and Six Shooter. Slightly Sativa dominate and it's called Bang Bang. I have 3 in mature flower that are very close to harvest.
Born 77 days ago
Outdoor grow in high quality dirt mixed with pearlite and vermiculite.
Fox Farms nutes.
The sister plants look like any of my other grows I have done and are very heavy with beautiful buds. This one looks more like a Hop bud.
The plants are not pollinated.
Please check out the pics and offer opinion.
Hey, hey, hey, what’s going on?

Never seen hops up close, I know they are related but strongly suspect it’s a weed strain with unique calyx structure….

seeds taken from a bud or same package of seeds don’t grow identical plants, sisters from same parents yes but not identical triplets or quadruplets, that’s phenotypes at work
Hey, hey, hey, what’s going on?

Never seen hops up close, I know they are related but strongly suspect it’s a weed strain with unique calyx structure….

seeds taken from a bud or same package of seeds don’t grow identical plants, sisters from same parents yes but not identical triplets or quadruplets, that’s phenotypes at work
@HeartWW I do believe friend here is talking about HLVd Hop Latent Viroid d, reduced flower mass is a symptom of this, pistil death is another, also brittle stems and reduce trichomes, I did not see any photos that looked like yours, there is a strain known as Dr Grinspoon that your lil plant looks similar to.
Hope this helps friend, and I look forward to seeing more of your stuff, talk to me anytime
@HeartWW I do believe friend here is talking about HLVd Hop Latent Viroid d, reduced flower mass is a symptom of this, pistil death is another, also brittle stems and reduce trichomes, I did not see any photos that looked like yours, there is a strain known as Dr Grinspoon that your lil plant looks similar to.
Hope this helps friend, and I look forward to seeing more of your stuff, talk to me anytime

the question as I read it was about the structure of the buds, no mention of pests or disease. Think the op has unique pheno but I’m happy to learn more or be corrected.

There are other oddities like Grinspoon, there’s Frisian Dew or duck foot strains, Freakshow….

gotta roll dirt nap, way past my bedtime! :cool:
the question as I read it was about the structure of the buds, no mention of pests or disease. Think the op has unique pheno but I’m happy to learn more or be corrected.

There are other oddities like Grinspoon, there’s Frisian Dew or duck foot strains, Freakshow….

gotta roll dirt nap, way past my bedtime! :cool:
Yeah, I appreciate you friend. I look forward to hearing back from OP. Have an awesome sleep friend, ttyl
Op was this grown outdoors?
Yes indeed, Grown outdoors. No pests or known diseases. The only impact really was a little 50 degree period and plenty of rain in the Vege state which we know for auto's a is short period of course.

Because I want to control the moisture and nutes for my plants I often pull a roof type structure over them to keep heavy rain from impacting my water cycle.

The plant was growing amongst 2 siblings and a Sativa dominate 3' away. The others in the little group are/were gorgeous plants.
When you get into genetics and pheno mutants I'm afraid I can't offer much but I would be more than glad to offer any other info I can and I certainly do appreciate your feedback.
Thank You !
Other facts that just came to mind, The pistils had mostly browned and disappeared although a very few white ones could be found if examined closely. This is what made me think that this was simply a very late harvest. Trich exam showed mostly cloudy which is what I enjoy and a few clearish. All of this thinking came from reading that some strains trichs really never turn amber so I took the plant down. That and it was 77 days in. Maybe I should have waited but the buds looked odd and I was second guessing thinking it was just way early instead. ( mind blow )

Another thing I noticed is that it almost looked like seeds had fallen out of the buds because some of the pockets were open with nothing inside. I'm not seeing any indication of feral pollination or hermies on the other plants and I was surprised to see no seeds.

Also I normally grow indoors so this outdoor stuff is kind of new to me.
Thanks Again.
When the buds mature the bracts/calyxes swell up like that, but usually the bud density is high enough that you don't really see it, aside from a swelling of the entire bud, and an increase in density.
Some newer growers will see bracts like that where the buds connect to the branches and think it's a hermie.
When the buds mature the bracts/calyxes swell up like that, but usually the bud density is high enough that you don't really see it, aside from a swelling of the entire bud, and an increase in density.
Some newer growers will see bracts like that where the buds connect to the branches and think it's a hermie.
Good info. In your opinion by looking at the buds and knowing the trichs are cloudy that this is a too early or getting late harvest? I ask because I'm grappling with this odd looking specimen.
Thank You !
Well if you're not looking for couchlock, you don't want many amber trichs.
You could harvest now, or wait until you have the first ambers starting to appear.
Personally I'd go with option two, just to make sure you're not missing out on any final swelling.
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