Am I Doing it Right?


New Member
Ok i picked up a sack and found 3 seeds so i put them in a damp paper towel.. and now they are just sitting there they have been in there for about 10 hours (witch i know is not long at all) and nothing has changed.. and i was wondering if they need sunlight or what and if i am doing this right at all lol
ok so my little set up of the seeds in the paper towel dabbed with a wet sponge to get the paper towel damp(or does it need to be really wet) and in a zip-loc bag in my desk will work good ??.
Step by step-

1. Wet paper towel (not soaking wet, so it falls apart, thats too wet)

2. Fold and put seeds in the "pocket".

3. Place in a plactic zip bag. (alot of excess water in the bag is a sign you wet the towel too much.)

4. Exhale a good breath into the bag, this provides the seedlings with a little extra Co2.

5. Place in a dark warm place. No sun during germination.

You will not notice ANY changes in 10 hours, this is normal. Quality seeds will take anywhere from 1-3 days to germinate and for bagseeds even longer, up to a week. Once the seed cracks, plant it, taproot down, no more than 2 seeds deep into your soil.

Also, I have yet to see a seed that does not germinate using this method. If the seeds are viable, I would say there is a 90% chance they will germinate using this method.
thank you very much and one more question i live in southern californa where it is always sunny and perfect weather year round is it true i can grow no matter what season or month it is?
idgafwhoyour said:
thank you very much and one more question i live in southern californa where it is always sunny and perfect weather year round is it true i can grow no matter what season or month it is?

You need to examine the suns schedule in your area to decide that for yourself. Sounds like you have ideal outdoor growing conditions, but also I have never personally grown outdoors, so perhaps thats where the help I can offer you ends.
Also, replace the Co2 in the bag with another breath about every 12 hours. This is not necessary, but I personally really feel it helps.
If your really serious about growing, you need to read a grow book.
I grew weed in SoCal for 32 years (up in the mountains outside L.A.).
You need to plant in the spring. In L.A. the best time to start outside is early Mar.
If you plant some now you will not get any buds.
Marijuana is an annual; it's life cycle is regulated by the sun. The days have been getting shorter since late June. Put outside now the plant will not gain enough energy from the sun to produce buds. It would grow for a few weeks tall and spindly and weak, then keel over dead.
Between now and March '07 start reading and looking for a place to grow in a secure location (where no one ever goes).
fuck so what should i do about my seeds in my paper towel in the little zip loc bag should i just go on with the grow just to kinda get the hang of this whole growing thing then just get some more seeds when march rolls around?
go ahead and try to grow these. once they've come this far you can't pull them out and try 'em next spring. all you'll get is the experience, no buds, but better to learn now and be ready for the season next year.
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