Almost harvest time update:)


New Member
not sure were this ones at,but its close!
this one turned out to be a purple strain,not sure which one,
my strawberry diesels and buddhas sister are growing like crazy had to give them hair cuts to hopefully slow them down!
the buddhas sisters are very slow growers,and they really dont like the way i clone them,slower then old people fuck!!!
Wow bluegil lookin very nice.. How old is she again? ... Sure looks to be getting close....ohh and how many clones do you have?....are you gonna have enough space for all those adults?....."looks like we're going to need a bigger boat".......excellent job amigo....keep it up...:hippy:
Wow bluegil lookin very nice.. How old is she again? ... Sure looks to be getting close....ohh and how many clones do you have?....are you gonna have enough space for all those adults?....."looks like we're going to need a bigger boat".......excellent job amigo....keep it up...:hippy:

thanks for all the feed back,it really helps! tomorrow will be end of 13th week for the big girl and the end of the 10th for the smaller girl. so far ive made 9 clones that lived:)i put a small clone in 12/12 to sex i believe its a first male stank
now in my box i have another with the same smell,everything else smells like any other green plant.and yes i need a bigger boat,the strawberry diesels are out growing there room,buddhas sisters a real slow grower.i thought my girls would be done and my mamas would go in the big box and i would start growing 2 foot buds in my small box or the net thing.
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