Alaskan thunder fuck


New Member
I started them between a wet napkin in a baggy, it took about 2 days then I put them I top soil dirt and put them on my window seal in the morning and take them out and put them in the house at night. And I water them once in the morning and once at night. They have been in the dirt for 3-4 days. How are they looking?
They look like they are well on their way! Try to get the bigger sticks away from the seedlings and I might suggest one to a pot ... it makes it a lot easier and less stressful on the plants when transplanting to its final pot.

Looking good and good luck

PS you can upload images here and when you use the picture icon to during posting it will take you right to your gallery to select your image then when you choose an image it will imbed a link for you ... it is much easier and more folks will look at your images
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