AK-47 & Blue Cheese Autos & Photo Amnesia Haze

Hey guys. Im a second time grower and a first time mom of a now 20 month old boy. I am an ex athlete and have had copious amounts of stress in my life.. I've been on every pharmaceutical drug out there but nothing has helped bring me to peace quite like weed.

I have always had a green thumb so that helps.. I'm out here in NJ so my grow is indoors. I started the girls under a table, that I would constantly jack up and add height blocks to as they grew in my now grow room, with 6- 60W grow bulbs and 2 flourescents. Just moved the girls to a beautiful tent with 3 of the existing 60 watt, both of the flourescent plus a Vivosun 1000w. Trying to morph together the last two months for you...
Started these grows in early June from seeds.

I also have a surprise strain from a seed my sis gave me that is clearly a mutant..thanks @bluter. I heeded some advice and topped her as you will see in one of these photos. See what happens

They are in their 3rd pots and Amnesia will be moving from her 3 gallon self water to a 5 gallon on Friday when I harvest my AK. I'm also going to clone the Amnesia at this juncture. Blue may be ready next week, she is only 3 days behind my AK-47. Amnesia, 2 days behind that and it was vegging until a week ago.

I start everything with a mix of vermiculite, peat moss, and coconut coir.
I am a Foxwod junkie:
Grow Big
Tiger Bloom
Ocean Forest
Sometimes I use Happy Frog Fert, also

Every soil mix gets earthworm castings
I do foliage fertilizer sprays bi-weekly after flower begins

24-0 light for the autos and now 12/12 for my photo.

Harvest plans:
I am using a Seropy Herb Drying rack this time around. I have moisture sensors for my jars and humidity inserts for them late in the curing process. I will be wet trimming as I think it helps reduce any possibility for mold as it dries a little quicker this way....or does it? I want to dry for 7-10 days as these will only give me around 7-9 ounces each and then cure for another month. Obviously going to keep stashes for super cured buds of each strain.

I am so totally open to comments and constructive criticism. I know there is much to learn! Happy growing everyone!










Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hey Teddy. Thank you and I apologize in advance for being a newbie and even with reading the orientation, still place things in the wrong forums and ask a lot of questions! I should have done all three of these separate as they were all a week apart pretty much. I pulled the AK maybe a couple days too early, could have fattened up but the blue cheese is harvesting tonight and bending over she is so heavy. The Amnesia was a photo who was on 24-0 w my autos, so she is just now pre flowering...next time I'll do better managing my content and feeds, I promise! I do have an 'idk' hybrid in veg and another AK and BC that just germinated last night. I'll be posting new grow journals for those as I got two new tents and 2 new sets of lights this time around. Smoke report to follow on AK #1. Had some this morning 2 days of cure, packs a punch but can't wait to smell those aromas. Thanks for all the help, you guys are fab!
Wow, I’m late to the party - sure looks good over here, you had some killer plants. Ditto agree with you on last set of pics some of those were not quite done yet, but that’s perfectly fine. Main point is you crossed finish line and have your own nugs in hand.… congrats on that Krissi1982…!!!

starting out most new journals don’t get a lot of readers, but don’t let that discourage you - find some friends keep on posting and more will jump in
Wow, I’m late to the party - sure looks good over here, you had some killer plants. Ditto agree with you on last set of pics some of those were not quite done yet, but that’s perfectly fine. Main point is you crossed finish line and have your own nugs in hand.… congrats on that Krissi1982…!!!

starting out most new journals don’t get a lot of readers, but don’t let that discourage you - find some friends keep on posting and more will jump in
Hey thank you! I know I pulled my AK-47 about 1-2 weeks early, I needed room for the rest of my girls at the time. Got a nice 3.4z harvest from her but she could have provided more. Buds are past the 3 week cure point now. Very Earthy, very pungent but provides energy and focus.

Blue #1 I harvested in two batches but she could have probably used another week bulking up the bottom half. No worries though cause I have two tents now this round!! They were both beautiful plants.

Photo Amnesia and my IDK are about 4-6 weeks out, respectively and the 5 new autos right behind them, 7-8 weeks. And of course my photo G-13, which will take about 10.

I am really stoked for my next journal, I've been reading a lot and scrolling on here as much as I can to gather as much information for it as possible! I hope that it can help a newbie and that I can get great advice, as I always do, from the more seasoned like yourself!

I appreciate the good looks and the criticism and the positive feedback as well! I'm sure we will be in touch on here, especially as this grow progresses!!
cool, cool. I’m the greenest greenhorn in the land too, only been growing just a little over a year now.
Had no idea you were such a GH...you are pretty damn green, I will definitely give you that!
Hey guys. Im a second time grower and a first time mom of a now 20 month old boy. I am an ex athlete and have had copious amounts of stress in my life.. I've been on every pharmaceutical drug out there but nothing has helped bring me to peace quite like weed.

I have always had a green thumb so that helps.. I'm out here in NJ so my grow is indoors. I started the girls under a table, that I would constantly jack up and add height blocks to as they grew in my now grow room, with 6- 60W grow bulbs and 2 flourescents. Just moved the girls to a beautiful tent with 3 of the existing 60 watt, both of the flourescent plus a Vivosun 1000w. Trying to morph together the last two months for you...
Started these grows in early June from seeds.

I also have a surprise strain from a seed my sis gave me that is clearly a mutant..thanks @bluter. I heeded some advice and topped her as you will see in one of these photos. See what happens

They are in their 3rd pots and Amnesia will be moving from her 3 gallon self water to a 5 gallon on Friday when I harvest my AK. I'm also going to clone the Amnesia at this juncture. Blue may be ready next week, she is only 3 days behind my AK-47. Amnesia, 2 days behind that and it was vegging until a week ago.

I start everything with a mix of vermiculite, peat moss, and coconut coir.
I am a Foxwod junkie:
Grow Big
Tiger Bloom
Ocean Forest
Sometimes I use Happy Frog Fert, also

Every soil mix gets earthworm castings
I do foliage fertilizer sprays bi-weekly after flower begins

24-0 light for the autos and now 12/12 for my photo.

Harvest plans:
I am using a Seropy Herb Drying rack this time around. I have moisture sensors for my jars and humidity inserts for them late in the curing process. I will be wet trimming as I think it helps reduce any possibility for mold as it dries a little quicker this way....or does it? I want to dry for 7-10 days as these will only give me around 7-9 ounces each and then cure for another month. Obviously going to keep stashes for super cured buds of each strain.

I am so totally open to comments and constructive criticism. I know there is much to learn! Happy growing everyone!










Thanks for sharing your gardens…glad I found your grow Krissi1982 and was surprised you have three journals going simultaneously. Also sounds like you have you hands full of late. I am lucky mid grow to check my plants every few days. I will catch up here and will try to check out your other grows. Plants all look healthy…Cheers
Thanks for sharing your gardens…glad I found your grow Krissi1982 and was surprised you have three journals going simultaneously. Also sounds like you have you hands full of late. I am lucky mid grow to check my plants every few days. I will catch up here and will try to check out your other grows. Plants all look healthy…Cheers
Thanks so much for the kind words and look around. I don't know if I would consider this journal a "journal" per say. The AK and BC have been curing for a month+ now so that grow is done however, Amnesia remains as she was a pheno who vegged for a while with them.

My next two journals are much more journal like and engaging, I promise! Amnesia is still going so I made a journal for her and got to start the 3rd grow from the beginning. Look forward to seeing you ok my current threads! :green_heart::Namaste:
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