"Afternoon Brunch" Mimosa x Orange Punch Auto 2024


Well-Known Member
Tonight I started some new seeds from Barneys Farm, Mimosa x Orange Punch Auto. These seeds are going into the 4 bucket 4x4 after the Bruce Banners. Reviews said these plants grow heavy yields with beautiful buds covered in frost, cool colors, and a citrus scent and flavor that I've been looking for. I'm gonna try to make this run as smooth as possible and hopefully get some good shots that can compete in some contests.

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Today is officially day #1, I'm super excited to see what the end result will be. I'm growing these 4 Mimosa x Orange Punch Autos
  • 5 gallon RDWC buckets
  • Vivosun 4x4 tent
  • 18-8 light cycle
  • Veg- 2 VS 1000's
  • Bloom- Phantom Phenom 440
  • Advanced Nutrients Sensi grow and bloom, Nirvana, and Honeycomb.
The folks at Barney's Farm think that these indoor plants grow about 700g/㎡, I have a little more than that so I'm shooting for 2 pounds. High Hopes :ganjamon:

Tonight I put the mimosa seedlings in hydroton pellets (expanded clay pellets) and gave them their first feeding. They got about a 150 ppm solution in Dixie cups (hempy style), I'm gonna keep them there for about 2 weeks and then put them in the rdwc buckets. I know people advise against transplanting Autos but this works for me, plus their 4x4 is being used as drying tent right now.

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