Aero/ebb & flow recommendations


New Member
I would like to know about product recommendations with the following parameters:

1. I am interested in either an aeroponic or ebb and flow hydroponic system, due to high marks these systems seem to get.

2. I'm interested in relatively small garden, growing maybe 4 plants or so at a time.

3. Simple and less prone to breakage/leakage/problems.

4. Decent quality, not a flimsy piece of junk.

5. Other than artifical light, which I already have, it would be nice to either get a kit that includes all necessary supplies and components, OR, a list of all the components needed (baskets, media, nutrients, etc., etc.)

If there is a handy reference book that's out there, feel free to mention it, and lastly, please do not make recommendations unless based on actual experience. Thanks!
I don't have any particular height requirements. I have quality seeds and assume that their height will be genetically determined. Tall or short is ok, I'm mostly concerned with vigorous healthy growth.

I'm not averse to building the set up, although my initial thought was for a "plug and play". If a do it yourself system is reliable and not too difficult to put together, I would certainly do that.
I don't have any particular height requirements. I have quality seeds and assume that their height will be genetically determined. Tall or short is ok, I'm mostly concerned with vigorous healthy growth.

I'm not averse to building the set up, although my initial thought was for a "plug and play". If a do it yourself system is reliable and not too difficult to put together, I would certainly do that.


Man, there are ton of combination's and permutations based on your response.

You can do "smaller" net pots systems either pre-built or DIY, you could do a ebb-n-flow table purchased or pre-built (which might be a good option), you could also do a bucket system like I'm running with 2 gallon pots.

You'll actually determine to some extent, the size you want your plant to get, based on the container that you grow with, coupled when you determine its time to flower. I assume you don't want to transplant either?

Here's a great DIY that I've been considering
McBudz Perpetual Journal

If space and size are not so much an issue, you may really consider picking up a CAP Ebb-n-Grow. It's the system that I'm currently using (after moving up from Drip Hydro) and I'm seeing fantastic results.

If you pop-in on my journal, 1st page, you'll see the setup. Towards the end, there is a recent post of a new grower using 6 pots, but you could use with 4 also.
1st Grow - Ebb-N-Grow : Afghan Kush, White Widow, Bag Seed!

Hope some of this info helps!

then check out Roseman for comparable DIY aeroponics.

Based on what you've provided, I'd look at a GENERAL HYDROPONIC RAINFOREST 66 (google it) for about $350 or less. It is a already built KIT or System, for aeroponic grows.
Simpler is a plain DWC, and many growers here use it succesfully.

Or the Stealth Hydro Deep Water Culture Kit, or the Stealth Hydro DWC kit are fantastic, and as StinkFinger advised, the link to the DIY Deep Water Culture Kit would show you how to do a plain DWC or Deep Water Culture grow.

You certainly can not go wrong listening to StinkFinger, he knows his grows.!
You guys are the best. I appreciate all the good advice. I am fascinated by the Deep Water Culture work in progress which Roseman is demonstrating. I think the Rainforest 66 may just be the ticket for me. Larger pots , simple design, and not too expensive.

I am still trying to resolve some of my lighting problems. I have a 600 watt HPS lamp/reflector that I'm using currently with plants grown in pots with dirt. It seems like the light is possibly too hot and the plant seems to wilt, even at distances for about 2 feet from the highest leaves. If I raise the lamp to the ceiling, seems like the illumination is perhaps not strong enough. Of course, it may be other things like the soil mixture itself, which i'm sure should have had more perlite and some sand. I do keep a fan running and I can hold my hand at plant height with no problem from lamp heat.

Lastly, I know the recommendation is for different nutes in vegetative and flowering stages. What's your favorites? I'm sitting on some killer seeds and itching to go.....Thanks again for all your help.
You guys are the best. I appreciate all the good advice. I am fascinated by the Deep Water Culture work in progress which Roseman is demonstrating. I think the Rainforest 66 may just be the ticket for me. Larger pots , simple design, and not too expensive.

I am still trying to resolve some of my lighting problems. I have a 600 watt HPS lamp/reflector that I'm using currently with plants grown in pots with dirt. It seems like the light is possibly too hot and the plant seems to wilt, even at distances for about 2 feet from the highest leaves. If I raise the lamp to the ceiling, seems like the illumination is perhaps not strong enough. Of course, it may be other things like the soil mixture itself, which i'm sure should have had more perlite and some sand. I do keep a fan running and I can hold my hand at plant height with no problem from lamp heat.

Lastly, I know the recommendation is for different nutes in vegetative and flowering stages. What's your favorites? I'm sitting on some killer seeds and itching to go.....Thanks again for all your help.

AVANCED NUTRIENTS from Canada, made just for pot growing. Expensive but worth it.
They have Grow, Bloom, and Micro (and others), but these seem to be a set. Should I get Mircro too?? Also, what quantity (how many liters) would keep that Rainforest 66 going until harvest time?
They have Grow, Bloom, and Micro (and others), but these seem to be a set. Should I get Mircro too?? Also, what quantity (how many liters) would keep that Rainforest 66 going until harvest time?

Roseman. You're the man! Thanks for helping.

Lassus. Just for you to check. I purchased a General Hydroponics Eco-Grower which I'm still using (6 plants). It CAME with General Hydroponics 3 Part Flora series, which got me through my first grow.

Most Nute companies have an on-line calculator to help you determine your "shopping list". For example:

I'm still pretty "green" myself, so I've only tried the GH Flora series, but if Roseman is recommending AN, then you can be sure that it's also a Winner!

Just trying to point out any little details that might be helpful.

Here's my current lowryder (just started) in the EcoGrower.

You both have an excellent day!
They have Grow, Bloom, and Micro (and others), but these seem to be a set. Should I get Mircro too?? Also, what quantity (how many liters) would keep that Rainforest 66 going until harvest time?

Stick to an A&B nute. It makes it very easy to mix nutes. AN makes a grow A&B and bloom A&B and it works out to about $60 for 4 liters total. 1 liter of each. Look into Advanced, Canna, Soul Synthetics (Roots Organics) all of which have PH stabilizers and have super chelated ingredients that allow for a broad PH absorption range. Meaning most of the nutes will be available from a 4.5pH to a 8.5pH range making it really easy to care for plants. Just follow the directions on the labels for mixing.
I'm not sure what you mean by A&B. I see AN Grow, and AN Bloom, not Grow A&B and Bloom A&B. What am I missing??
Take a look here.

Ultra-premium Connoisseur Part A
Ultra-premium Connoisseur Part B

Advanced Nutrients

You'll find some "cheaper" nutes that are 1 part formula. Some as mentioned have 2 parts, like an A&B, and then some have three parts, like my GH I'm using Gro, Micro and Bloom, plus enhancers.

It's really what you prefer and feel comfortable with. Asking about Nutes, in my opinion is like trying to get a fix on someone; on what kind of car they like. Hundreds of opinions.

Check out this thread:
A Poll To See What Kind Of Nutes Are Preferred

StinkFinger, your system looks just like a GENERAL HYDROPONIC RAINFOREST system.

Hey RM:

Purchased the EcoGrower as my very first system, before evening reading the 420 forums. Had I seen your thread/instructions, I might have gone the DIY route. From what I gather, the EcoGrower is a drip system, while the Rainforest is an aeroponic system? I really don't know the difference. But I think they're made from the same base, pumps, net pots, etc. I know how the drip system works, but didn't ever think about the difference as it relates to different growing methods (vs. aeroponics).

I was pretty impressed with the EcoGrower on the first run. Albeit, I grew bag-seed and got some Hermies, but I was surprised for what it could do within the size given to work with. It's a little "difficult" to change the res when it's on the ground (esp with a bad back, ;-) and again, because of the closet that I was located in, it was also hard to get around to the plants towards the back unless I did this during a res change. But no complaints. I'm just adjusting my run here trying some lowryder strain, we'll see how it turns out.

Anyway, just rambling again. Have a great day!
OK boys, Rain Forest 66 and Connoisseur nutes are on the way. Thanks for all your help and I'll try to post pics as the jungle takes over ;-)
Excellent man. Great choices. I'm excited for you. Nothing like growing your own consumables!

By the way, didn't really Welcome you to 420 officially, so here you go....

:welcome: to 420mag!

You already have Roseman's thread, I thought I'd provide this one if you haven't seen it yet.

How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!

Looking forward to seeing your grow, just let us know when you're up and running.

Best to you Lassus!
Hey RM:

Purchased the EcoGrower as my very first system, before evening reading the 420 forums. Had I seen your thread/instructions, I might have gone the DIY route. From what I gather, the EcoGrower is a drip system, while the Rainforest is an aeroponic system? I really don't know the difference. But I think they're made from the same base, pumps, net pots, etc. I know how the drip system works, but didn't ever think about the difference as it relates to different growing methods (vs. aeroponics).

I was pretty impressed with the EcoGrower on the first run. Albeit, I grew bag-seed and got some Hermies, but I was surprised for what it could do within the size given to work with. It's a little "difficult" to change the res when it's on the ground (esp with a bad back, ;-) and again, because of the closet that I was located in, it was also hard to get around to the plants towards the back unless I did this during a res change. But no complaints. I'm just adjusting my run here trying some lowryder strain, we'll see how it turns out.

Anyway, just rambling again. Have a great day!

Yes, the RainForest is an aeroponic with sprayers I think. I like a DRIP better but it is just personal preference, I think.

Have a great one!.
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