

New Member
I Was Wondering If Well Water Is Good For Your Plants? Because I Germinated 20 Unkown Seeds 6 Days Ago And There Already 6 1/2 Inches Tall! Is This Normal? If It Isnt The Water Then Water is It Making Them Grow So Fast? I've Grew One Before With The same Lights And Soil But This Time I've Been Using Well Water Instead of Distilled Water! And Help Would Be Greaty Appreciated!
Re: Advice???

It's not the quality of the water. If they are 6 days from germination and 6 1/2" tall it could be a dearth light that's causing them to stretch.
Re: Advice???

Ground water is local specific... hard to say. Your results could just as easily be due to genetics. If growing in soil remember that soil comes with nutes attached and holds on to what you give it...
Re: Advice???

What kind of lights are you using? Do they only have their first rounded seed leaves (cotyledons) and their first true leaf?
Re: Advice???

As Far as apperance & health they are excellent! The only two things that are differnet are the soil and the water! Miracle Gro soil too!
Re: Advice???

i'm just curious because this seems to be working quite well and if its any of these things then i'm just going use whatever it is from now on! I just figured you guys would know more than me. Ideals?
Re: Advice???

Hi New,
It sounds like you have improved the amount of nutrients you are giving the plants. Miracle grow contains nitrogen, and distilled water is bad to use because it contains no nutrients. For budding you will also need a special fertilizer.

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