adding red spec while in veg stage


New Member
hi all just wanted to ask some advice regarding adding warm white(red spec) to my set up while veging.
Currently useing 1x6400k white/blue clf on 4 plants but i also have a 2700k red spec clf lying around not being used, i planned to add 1 more 250w white/blue but due to cash i cant at the moment so my question is will adding the 2700k red spec clf hinder my grow in anyways as im assumeing any extra light will help.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
I was in a similar situation, just on a smaller scale. The more lights the better so throw whatever you got lying around at your plants, they'll thank you for it. I would love to see some grow pics of your setup also
long as your "day" is longer than 12 hours light color wont hurt

adding red spectrum may increase space between nodes "strecthing out the stalks" but if you have lots of blue already
there it should be fine adding red in beginning and end of day
actually mimics natural conditions for some locations

some folks actually add a UV flouro or reptile light to balance out the spectrum too

there is a post out here some where that explains the UV thing

most flouros and HID lights put out some UV but you may want to add more.....
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