Adam Kokesh Released From Jail, Calls For March On 50 State Capitols

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Libertarian activist Adam Kokesh, before being released from Philadelphia's federal prison yesterday afternoon following his arrest by federal agents one week ago issued a statement from his cell calling for an "American Revolutionary Army to March on 50 State Capitols."

"A new American revolution is long overdue," Kokesh declared in his jail cell statement, which demands "that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property."

His full proclamation can be read in a Shield Mutual news release.

Kokesh, an anti-war activist, co-founder of "Veterans for Ron Paul" and a leading proponent of "Iraq Veterans Against the War" is the organizer of a much-publicized loaded gun march on Washington, DC on July 4 to coincide with Independence Day.

His Facebook page, The Final American Revolution, has nearly 5,000 participants signed up for the march, causing many to speculate that Kokesh was purposely targeted for arrest at the marijuana rally as a pretense for shutting down his DC march.

Events since Kokesh's arrest while addressing a marijuana legalization rally in Philadelphia on May 18 have been moving rapidly.

A call flood of government offices and a rally began organizing almost immediately and legal defense funds were set up for Kokesh and fellow arrestee N.A. "Nikki Allen" Poe.

At an arraignment hearing on Monday, May 20 Kokesh and Poe were denied bail.

Five members of "The Panic Hour" comedy and street theater troupe were detained at the City Hall rail station later that day after attending Kokesh's arraignment because, according to a transportation officer, "Your megaphone might be a weapon."

Poe, host and executive producer of "The Panic Hour" and organizer of the Smoke Down Prohibition V event where both he and Kokesh were arrested has since been released but Kokesh continued to be held at the Philadelphia federal prison charged with "felony assault on a federal officer."

The Free Adam kokesh Facebook page announced Adam's legal defense fund goal of $5,000 has been met and exceeded. At this writing Poe's defense fund is closing in fast on its goal of $4,200.

A video posted on YouTube on May 22 titled "An Open Letter from Kokesh & N.A. Poe from Federal Prison" calls for "Smoke Down Prohibition Part VI" to be held on June 8 on the North side of the White House.


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Author: Garry Reed
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Website: Adam Kokesh released from jail, calls for march on 50 state capitols - National Libertarian news |
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