Activated Carbon or Charcoal for a DIY Odor Scrubber


New Member
I'm in the planning stages of my first grow and am looking at building a DIY odor scrubber. Everyone seems to recommend activated carbon (for obvious reasons). The problem (for me anyhow) with this is this crap isn't what I would consider "cheap". Even buying in bulk online comes at a price higher than I want to pay for what this stuff actually is. I was wondering if I took charcoal and busted it up into smaller pieces, would that work also? It just doesn't make sense to me to pay 30 bucks for a fraction of the weight if "clean" charcoal would work. I say clean, because you obviously would want to avoid the stuff that's impregnated with lighter fluid.

BTW, you guys have a great site. I've been reading non stop now for about a week and have just really started scratching the surface of the knowledge base represented here. :thanks:
The surface area of charcoal doesnt even come close to the surface area of activated carbon. 3.3 grams of activated carbon has the surface area of a football field due to its porous nature. The amount of regular charcoal needed to do the same would be astronomical.

I doubt your plant room would be big enough to house a charcoal filter big enough to work properly.
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