About to start my first grow


New Member
I'm about to start my first grow. bought the usual tent setup. Tent fans etc. Still deciding on what lights to get. So many mixed reviews on each. I was wondering how to first germinate my seeds. And what nutes I may need for ph balance and just for general growth of plant etc. Like I said this will be my first grow so am a complete newbie. I see everyone on this forum is helpful in many of the other feeds I have been reading and trying to educate myself a bit more

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:welcome: to :420:

There are as many answers to your questions as there are growers. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I like to soak my seeds for 8-12 hours (overnight) then straight into whatever they will be growing in. The paper towel method makes no sense to me. I don't like to take a needless chance on damaging them.
You should need any nutrients to get them started. What you will need (and when) depends on your growing medium. You could check out Doc Buds HB kit for a complete solution.
Best of luck!
Take some time and read through some of the forums. Just about all the questions us beginners need answered have turned up somewhere in here. I have been spending weeks reading grow journals, FAQs, growers lounge, etc... There is a wealth of knowledge in these virtual pages.
Welcome dude...Maybe you can start a journal here...read the instuctions in the sticky area of Journals in progress and give us some more infos about your set up, soil, strain etc..As it comes for the lights it depends what your budget is and if you are an HID grower or a LED one... For germination soak in distilled water for 24 hours till a taproot pops out...then i put them in a paper towel for another 24h and plant them in soil.... :Namaste:
Yh I am gonna get a journal set up eventually. And about the soil again I am not to sure as to what to use. My step dad always used these little ball things. Excuse my ignorance. I'm just trying to find out what worked best for everyone else. And strain I'm thinking of going for a lemon cheese or a grapefruit. I haven't quite made up my mind yet

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Everything depends on the budget...there is a thread on now with a new grower try to start on really low budget and some really experienced growers chiped in and they are actually givving the best choises you have for growing mediums...
My First Time Growing
Check out this ...worth the time and defenetly will help you started
It's really personal preference and you'll learn your style in time. If I were you I'd get fox farm ocean forrest soil. During veg you shouldn't need to add extra nutes. For flower I'd run the advanced nutrients sensi bloom a and b. You can get away with just the base and it's already at the correct ph. Then as you get better you can add extras or switch to something else. For lights I prefer t5 in veg and HID for flower. I usually start all my seeds directly in the soil. Just my 2 cents. Goodluck!
As said everything really depends on budget. The way i started was pretty cheap and I still am but i have upgraded as i go. If you are just wanting to just dip your feet figuratively then cfls aren't a bad place to start you won't yield a pound but it is a good way to see if you are even interested in this hobby and you won't be out too much and can always upgrade in the future.
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