About SOG and Vegitation Time


New Member

Iam planning a SOG grow here. Following Equipment:

(1 foot = 30,5cm/0,305m, 1 US dry Gallon = 4,4L)

2sqm tent (1,44m*1,44m=2,06m^2)
40XSatori from Mandala Seeds regular
40XJiffy Cocos Pads
40X4L Pots
25X8L Pots
Soil: CompoSana QPS, Plagron Worm Manure (20-30%)
150W MH/HI Lamp for Vegetation ("blue" bulb)
600W HPS with Adjust A Wing (+Spreader)
Filter, Ventilator, Tubefan etc.
HESI Fertiliser, inc. Root Complex

Seeds sprout in Cocos Jiffy, when rooted thru they go into 4L, then 2 weeks vegitation with 150W MH, then 12/12 with 600W HPS, when blooming starts males get killed, females go into 8L.
Smaller phenotypes will be put on other (upside down turned) pots to compensate and more in the middle of the tent.

Question: So many people tell me that 2 weeks of Vegi is much too short and I should go for at least 4. True or bogus? Is my plan viable or will I be disapointed?

Sorry for the English, German here ^^

SOG is usually done with clones, not seeds.

2 week veg from seed is too short, plants must be sexually mature to flower, usually 5-8 weeks from seed.

Save your best female pheno to be a mom and do SOG on your next grow.

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