A very odd issue in an otherwise healthy budding plant


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I have an issue with a plant i am growing for my neighbor.
When I got the plant it was in a WAWA cup. 8 inches tall and clearly didnt have proper light and was in miracle grow.
Also it was started in a peat pod.
Here is one of the things I found strange... They put TWO seeds in the pod and both popped. One was clearly shorter than the other
and growing under the larger plant.
It was horrible looking. Yellow leaves and only about 4 total on an 8 inch tall plant. You could see the area where other branches were supposed to grow but they didnt because I was told it was left in the dark for like 2 weeks.

So I took the plant from them, put it in a 5 gallon bucket with just pro mix organic mixed with pro mix BX and amendments.

I vegged it outside for probably like 7 or 8 weeks. It got really bushy and nice looking. The smaller of the plants turned into really
just one stalk with maybe two small branches at the bottom. But it was healthy. BOTH were very healthy.

Then, it started to go into bloom outside. And I figured someone may come along and take it. So I put it inside under the lights which in my experience plants do way better under lights than they do outside in bloom.

Everything was fine and it started to grow nice smelling buds on it. The one plant stalk is just all bud for about a foot and a half(im guessing)

The other plant seemed normal. Nice and dark green and given proper nutes the entire grow. Not one of my other plants have had issues doing the exact same thing. EXCEPT my other plants the soil was layered with perlite like @Bill284 showed me. This plant did not have those layers
because I ran out of perlite and it needed to be planted in something with better amendments and put under the lights fast.

So after it got a nice top and the one single plant started growing nice bud.... Not the lowest branch but the lowest large branch started
having wilted leaves on it and were turning black in the center of them. Shriveling. But the buds on it looked fine.
I thought it had a disease so I cut it off.
About a week and a half later the exact same thing happened to the branch above it and when it happened to this one I inspected it thoroughly
and found the issue with why the leaves were wilting.

You know how at the bottom branches grow out semi horizontal and then take a turn and grow upwards on some plants?
Well, the curve was turning to a wood like color. The area before the turn was green. The area after the turn was green as well but
the color was definitely lighter than the area before the turn. I figured I would pull off the bad looking leaves and let it go another day and see if anymore dried up and died. Sure enough they did. So I cut the branch off before the curve and just put the branch in some fresh pro mix with some root hormone on it and a solution of LOTUS Hydro nutes for a budding plant I put the branch in a small coffee creamer bottle and poked holes in it with the idea that it may re root and then still get nutes from the water I put in a bucket and placed the coffee creamer bottle in so the nuts and water could freely go into the coffee creamer bottle and the stem could draw water and nutes. Sort of like a semi hydro system but also in soil. It still shriveled but I was hoping the bud would finish on it. It wasnt huge but it was ok.
Then I realized there is no way its going to root. Because the branch is already deep into flower. So stupid idea.

Well, that was two branches. The very next branch up did the same exact thing. So I harvested it and dried it and gave it to the neighbor.

Then a third did it.

Now a forth is doing it. This is four branches now, ALL of them lower with turns in them where the turn turns to wood and stops drawing.

What on earth could be causing this in an otherwise perfectly healthy plant that is budding fine?

If needed i will post some phots of what I am talking about but its pretty explanatory what I wrote here.

Its not a disease. Its not mites or bugs.

All of these branches are greater than 1/4 in diameter and are very healthy looking until this happens. And it does not start happening to the next one up until I cut the one off that is shriveling. Then within 5 to 8 days it starts on the next branch up.

I am running out of branches with that curve in it. after this one there is one more that grows out semi horizontally and then turns and goes upwards. It is still a nice looking plant even with those branches gone and will produce well. But this is baffling.

Stem turns to wood in days in one area on a curve.

Edit: There is nothing wrong with any leaves. They are nice looking and dark. Buds are performing great. There is no sign of any bugs with the exception of fungus gnats which are by no means at infestation levels. And the occasional leaf hopper.
No leaves are eaten, even with the leaf hoppers on it which is odd too.

I am wondering if the tap roots being so close to each other when they started growing could cause the issue. They did after all grow out of the exact same peat pod. So the tap roots may even have become one plant now. Can roots from one plant strangle another or rob the plant from necessary nutes by taking most and if so wouldn't that make the plant look bad that is lacking nutes?
Hi all,

I have an issue with a plant i am growing for my neighbor.
When I got the plant it was in a WAWA cup. 8 inches tall and clearly didnt have proper light and was in miracle grow.
Also it was started in a peat pod.
Here is one of the things I found strange... They put TWO seeds in the pod and both popped. One was clearly shorter than the other
and growing under the larger plant.
It was horrible looking. Yellow leaves and only about 4 total on an 8 inch tall plant. You could see the area where other branches were supposed to grow but they didnt because I was told it was left in the dark for like 2 weeks.

So I took the plant from them, put it in a 5 gallon bucket with just pro mix organic mixed with pro mix BX and amendments.

I vegged it outside for probably like 7 or 8 weeks. It got really bushy and nice looking. The smaller of the plants turned into really
just one stalk with maybe two small branches at the bottom. But it was healthy. BOTH were very healthy.

Then, it started to go into bloom outside. And I figured someone may come along and take it. So I put it inside under the lights which in my experience plants do way better under lights than they do outside in bloom.

Everything was fine and it started to grow nice smelling buds on it. The one plant stalk is just all bud for about a foot and a half(im guessing)

The other plant seemed normal. Nice and dark green and given proper nutes the entire grow. Not one of my other plants have had issues doing the exact same thing. EXCEPT my other plants the soil was layered with perlite like @Bill284 showed me. This plant did not have those layers
because I ran out of perlite and it needed to be planted in something with better amendments and put under the lights fast.

So after it got a nice top and the one single plant started growing nice bud.... Not the lowest branch but the lowest large branch started
having wilted leaves on it and were turning black in the center of them. Shriveling. But the buds on it looked fine.
I thought it had a disease so I cut it off.
About a week and a half later the exact same thing happened to the branch above it and when it happened to this one I inspected it thoroughly
and found the issue with why the leaves were wilting.

You know how at the bottom branches grow out semi horizontal and then take a turn and grow upwards on some plants?
Well, the curve was turning to a wood like color. The area before the turn was green. The area after the turn was green as well but
the color was definitely lighter than the area before the turn. I figured I would pull off the bad looking leaves and let it go another day and see if anymore dried up and died. Sure enough they did. So I cut the branch off before the curve and just put the branch in some fresh pro mix with some root hormone on it and a solution of LOTUS Hydro nutes for a budding plant I put the branch in a small coffee creamer bottle and poked holes in it with the idea that it may re root and then still get nutes from the water I put in a bucket and placed the coffee creamer bottle in so the nuts and water could freely go into the coffee creamer bottle and the stem could draw water and nutes. Sort of like a semi hydro system but also in soil. It still shriveled but I was hoping the bud would finish on it. It wasnt huge but it was ok.
Then I realized there is no way its going to root. Because the branch is already deep into flower. So stupid idea.

Well, that was two branches. The very next branch up did the same exact thing. So I harvested it and dried it and gave it to the neighbor.

Then a third did it.

Now a forth is doing it. This is four branches now, ALL of them lower with turns in them where the turn turns to wood and stops drawing.

What on earth could be causing this in an otherwise perfectly healthy plant that is budding fine?

If needed i will post some phots of what I am talking about but its pretty explanatory what I wrote here.

Its not a disease. Its not mites or bugs.

All of these branches are greater than 1/4 in diameter and are very healthy looking until this happens. And it does not start happening to the next one up until I cut the one off that is shriveling. Then within 5 to 8 days it starts on the next branch up.

I am running out of branches with that curve in it. after this one there is one more that grows out semi horizontally and then turns and goes upwards. It is still a nice looking plant even with those branches gone and will produce well. But this is baffling.

Stem turns to wood in days in one area on a curve.

Edit: There is nothing wrong with any leaves. They are nice looking and dark. Buds are performing great. There is no sign of any bugs with the exception of fungus gnats which are by no means at infestation levels. And the occasional leaf hopper.
No leaves are eaten, even with the leaf hoppers on it which is odd too.

I am wondering if the tap roots being so close to each other when they started growing could cause the issue. They did after all grow out of the exact same peat pod. So the tap roots may even have become one plant now. Can roots from one plant strangle another or rob the plant from necessary nutes by taking most and if so wouldn't that make the plant look bad that is lacking nutes?
I think you figured it out in the end.
You can grow 2 seeds in the same pot.
One always steals the nutrients from the other.
Neither plant gets fed properly and both suffer issues.
Usually one ends up tiny compared to its bigger yet small sister.
It's the only thing I can think of to cause issues.
If there isn't a disease or pests for sure. :Namaste:
I want to see the pics, please. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I have more but it would only let me post ten. I have it on the plant before cutting it off too. But I can't really see them well on my phone so I don't know if these are the good ones or not.










The one that's starting to do it now I took some frog painters tape and wrapped it around that spot a little bit past it on each side and pulled two little limbs off figuring if it's some issue with the surface becoming bad and it unable to draw water for some reason I figured frog tape sticks well but doesn't damage and would hold it allowing it to draw water again and it seems to be slowing it down a bit. The other three that went bad....usually one day later all the leaves are wilted. And have black spots on them. But when I put this frog tape around it I'm not saying it's still not having an issue but it's certainly slowed considerably.

These are pictures taken moment ago.

I figured I'd show you where both of the plants are coming out of the pot. The original peat pot is is about three inches down from the top.

This plant started in a 5 gallon plastic bucket and the 5 gallon bucket had roots growing all up and down the sides and I mean more than I've ever saw before and I started seeing lightning leaves so I just transplanted it into a 7 gallon but the 7 gallon wasn't high enough so I cut another 7 gallon pot up about 6 inches off of the top to make it higher and tucked it inside of it.
The purpose so I could add more pro mix around the roots and some on top so it's drinking from all sides instead of running down the sides of a plastic bucket and only watering from one side of the roots after a day.

It took off after transplanting it. That was about a month ago or maybe close to a month ago.

Also...two branches snapped. That's why you see the frog tape in two other areas. They only pulled away just a bit so I taped them in two places Those branches were taped back together are doing great.

But this issue actually started before they broke. And those branches didn't even take a hit. I wrapped the tape right and then tied the branches back to put even more pressure on the connection to the main stem. And they didn't miss a beat.
It's like this plant is fragile. Super fragile.






In the post above it says I wrapped the tape right. It should say tight. But it keeps auto correcting words on me and I keep missing it.
If I forget to proof read my posts it looks like a m9kcy typedef it. :rofl:
No worries my friend :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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