A really dumb stoner moment

The Mad Toker

New Member
Well after not smoking for quite awhile due to working 80 hours a week for the past 3 weeks I decided last night I'd treat myself and dug up my little ball of hash I had been saving. So after smoking a few small chunks I was quite ripped and grabbed some chocolate chip cookies, sat down at the computer and started watching some movies. I totally forgot I left the hash next to the cookies on my desk. So in my stoned daze I thought I saw a chocolate chip and popped it in my mouth and after a few chews realized it was the hash. Not only was that the last bit of stuff I had but the taste immediatly started the gag reflex so i ended up spitting it all in the bathroom sink. Morale of the story, dont leave your hash sitting next to some chocolate chip cookies.
Ok well the next time I'm smoking some hash, I'll make sure I leave it somewhere other than next to my munchies.
Thanks for sharing, that shit is funny.
That kind of shit will happen from time to time, can't let it get ya' down buddy lol. I feel for you though! Give's you an excuse for more green.
Damn that sucks. Sounds like something I would do though lol. I always end up throwing my glass screens into the trash when I cash the bowl and then when I realize it, I have to go and recover it out of the bottom of the garbage. Pain in the ass!
Yeah gotta be more careful next time. Oh well not complaining seeing I had a good buzz going then the next day picked up some nice bud that looks like a tree covered in snow and is delicious. Only thing that I am kinda kicking myself in the ass for is I made that hash myself from about 5 ounces of kif from bud i ground up over the course of about 4 months.
ouch.....shoulda just chewed through and washed it down reall good
One of my most memorable dumb moments was forgetting the hash pipe on the dash of my 64 veedub micobus when the CHP pulled me over on my way home from work. He pulled me over for out-of-date registration, but turned out to be a very cool cop. Since I had an outstanding warrent for another violation (during my irresponsible life phase), he had to bust me, and asked if I was 'carrying', not wanting to add to the charges, the residue of a burned out chunk of hash laying dorment in the pipe prompting his question, when I reported no, I didn't have any on me, I was cuffed, and placed in his cruiser. You have to understand that OldSkoool was truely ripped on an almost religious plane of love and goodwill. Was some killer Lebonise Blonde laced with opium.

What the officer didn't know, was that I had stashed a 35mm film canister stuffed with more hash in the overhead ventilation box, the access panel was missing, and made a handy hide....anyone that's knows old VW buses knows what I'm refering to here.....Anyway, about the time I was placed in the crusier, with an unobstructed view throught the back window of my bus, I spot the film canister through the ventilation opening, and the arrival of yet another young CHP rookie. Once the rookie was informed about my hash pipe, he's on the case, tearing at my bus, as if on a mission from god to find my stash. Fortunately, I was stoned back, and the whole scene was surreal as I watched, creating a game of Hot and Cold as he moved around inside the bus, my eyes glued to him, and my canister. When he returned to the drivers seat I thought Warm, when he looked up at the vent box, I thought Warmer. But when he reached up INTO the opening, I thought BUSTED as he reached around, his fingers coming within inches of my precious cargo, had he had longer arms or fingers I'd never gotten back my hash from the impound yard the next day.

Oh, stoned or not, LA County Jail is a very scary place.
was smoking with two buddies at a nineth floor. it was my turn to smoke and to pass it to the left when my friend tried to light, he realised that the cup from the holder was missing. conclusion was, i must have dropped it to the first floor instead and no one realized it. we were way to stoned. oh, btw, we smoked at the balcony. thank god no suicidal thoughts.
Indiegenerate said:
My biggest stoner moment was when I went to my dudes apartment and picked up a QP. He told me it was the best stuff he's ever had so he loaded a a bowl on the house for us to try out. Man...That stuff tasted like candy, it was smoothe, clean, and got you blown on the first hit...Well, with the big ass QP sack in my hand, I opened his door, started to walk outside towards my car, lifted the sack up over my head, and waved it goodbye to him, forgetting it was in my hand....Then I had realized what I had done, hugged the bag, and walked down the steps of the apartment building with the fat sack in my arms like nobody would be able to see. Luckily for us, the neighbor's don't stand outside his doorway sniffing around (and luckily for me, he is a pretty good friend of mine and thought it was funny so he allowed me to come back after being so stoned-stupid). I believe that was the best shit I've ever had...It was like I was a super-lightweight again. I miss those days...

HAHAHAHAH HOLY SHIT MAN! LMFAO! thats funny as shit. that deff. sounds like something that i would do! haha +rep for that one!
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