a question about powdery mildew propagation...


New Member
In the past, during the winter (rainy) season here I have dealt with brief bouts of powdery mildew on my indoor crop. In the past I have simply just used the "dry" function on my air conditioner unit to lower the humidity and the mildew has disappeared on it's own... This time around I have increased the number of plants and have been experiencing mildew once again... This time however I am having trouble controlling the humidity. I have brought in a regular stand-alone dehumidifier to try to bring it down. The lowest I can seem to get the Rh is around 58-59% so far and the mildew is still not going away on it's own this time.... My question is what level do I need to get it down to to make conditions non-favorable for the stuff? I have been considering spraying them with Green Cure but this will not help with the humidity problem. If I need to I will buy a newer and bigger de-humidifier (the old one is 3 or 4 years old now but still seems to work good as I have to empty it several times a day...) Any suggestions are welcome...
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