Slow and steady here! Finished filling the bag around the sprouts with some fine cannibalized soil. Squirt squirt squirt, and then about 30 min later squirt squirt squirt. Just allowing time for that water so absorb.
Strain: Purple Ghost Candy
Genetics: 60% sativa, 40% indica
Age: 3 days above soil
Stage: seedling
Measurement: above soil
Medium: Cannibalized soil
Pot Size: 4x6 Biodegradable Bag
Space: 5x5 grow tent
@Mars Hydro Tsw 2000
Light Height: 30inches
Power Level:70%
Water: moistened surface
PH Water: 6.3
Feeding: None
Pest: none
Deficiency: none
Toxicity: none
Let's get it going!