A Lifetime Devoted To Growing MJ


New Member
When I bought my first lid of pot in '67 (Acapulco Gold, $10) and looked inside I was amazed.
The very first thought I had was WOW! Now I can grow my own!
The next morning I dropped my first seeds.
My first attempts were not too successful. Back then there was NO MJ-specific grow books, and I didn't know anyone who was any more knowledgable then me.
For the first 3 years, my grows consisted of plants (I didn't know there was seperate males and females, or how to get buds) that I picked leaves off of throught the summer. By the end of Aug. they were dead from loss of leaves.
Then 1 year I was cleaning up behind the garage in late Oct. I had forgotten I had planted a few seeds back there.
And there was a plant...with BUDS!
I went to the library (no internet back in '71) and did some general gardening reading. I got a little bit better grip on what was what.
I talked to one guy who knew a little bit more than me and he told me to get good buds you had to rip up the males to keep them from pollinating the females (I learned a new phrase: sin semilla).
The next year I saw what I THOUGHT were seeds on my plants in early Sept. But they weren't seeds, they were pollen sacs, but I didn't know any better. I figured someone else nearby had males that pollinated my plants. Anyway, figuring these were females, I ripped up all the other plants that didn't have these "seeds".
And of course, no buds (or seeds) developed. I had unwittingly ripped up the females and kept the males.
Back to square 1.
A few weeks later my grandma asked me to come over and help her with gardening. She came from a farming family and still grew veggies & flowers.
I saw, in the backyard, 6 pot plants, about 7' tall!!!
Not actually pot, but hemp.
Hemp seeds are a part of bird seed. My grandma had canaries, and she emptied their bird cages into the back garden 'cause shit is good fertilizer.
At the bottom of the cage were spilled seeds.
I said "Wow grandma what are those plants?"
She didn't know the name, but she had been growing them for years.
She told me that when she was growing up (circa early 1900's) her dad grew these and used the seeds for the animals.
So she saved the seeds for her canaries.
I carefully examined the plants and finally understood. The buds were of course fully seeded and the one's with what I thought were seeds were dying.
The next year I finally gew buds. I was so jazzed.

P.S. Apparently there were a lot of little old canary-keeping ladies who were getting busted for what the cops thought was marijuana. When they found out what was up the gov't contacted bird seed companies and the companies took out the hemp seeds.
The canaries stopped singing.
So they sterlize the hemp seeds before adding them to the mix.
Wow great story and pretty dran intersting. I couldnt imagine not having the info I needed to grow and having to do the real trial and error things. That's how real greens thumbs are made. I deffinently didn't know about the canary food very interesting.
Great tale Mr Danger. Yeah, I remember the hemp seeds in bird feed. That was interesting as hell. Thanks for sharing.:cheesygrinsmiley: :peace:
Great Story! So, it was 6-7 years before the first buds? ...And tokers have low drive and determination - pfft. Those must have been fun times, thanks for the story!
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