Harry Timbercrank

Active Member
I am growing eight different strains in a 4x4 with used potting mix. I have added amendments and let it cook for six months. Many details coming up. I am 2 weeks into this grow already.

I am growing eight different strains in a 4x4 with used potting mix. I have added amendments and let it cook for six months. Many details coming up. I am 2 weeks into this grow already.

Great garden my friend, welcome to 420Magazine. :welcome:
I'll follow along if you don't mind.
Just a little tip for your next grow, fill your pots and mound the center where the plant is.:Namaste:
Better for roots and easier to water.
I show pictorials of how to fill pots in my threads.
Heaven's Shores has a lot of good pictorials on filling air pots.
Just 2 cents, looks good so far.
Talk soon. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Great garden my friend, welcome to 420Magazine. :welcome:
I'll follow along if you don't mind.
Just a little tip for your next grow, fill your pots and mound the center where the plant is.:Namaste:
Better for roots and easier to water.
I show pictorials of how to fill pots in my threads.
Heaven's Shores has a lot of good pictorials on filling air pots.
Just 2 cents, looks good so far.
Talk soon. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yeah, I did that. Just took my time. Wanted more of the stalk rooting since the veg time will be short with that many plants. Figured it would slow them down a bit stripping all the lowers and filling them up. Thanks Bill.

Yeah, I did that. Just took my time. Wanted more of the stalk rooting since the veg time will be short with that many plants. Figured it would slow them down a bit stripping all the lowers and filling them up. Thanks Bill.

Good job. :thumb:
Is that 2 in 1 pot?
Bottom right?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@Bill284 Seeing some issues with the leaf tips in two of the plants. Looks like it may be a potassium deficiency. I have seen this before when reusing potting mix.
I think it could be from stripping the plants and the VPD is around 1.8. Been stepping the light up 1000 lux a day and it's 25,000 lux now so I turned the lights down to 10,000 lux for a day or two. VPD is now at 1.2 so this should allow the plant to actually breath and uptake nutrients. I usually veg at 45,000 lux and flower at 60,000 but with only a 250 watt driver and two lm301h boards getting 12oz dried and trimmed but now I added a qb96 with 185 watt driver and vivosuns newest 150 watt light so the temps have been at 80f humidity at 50% but are now at 75f and 60% humidity.
Reusing this happyfrog potting mix by adding Liqui-Dirt, Roots Excelurator Gold, and happyfrog all purpose 6-4-5 fertilizer. Also using Fish Shit.
Didn't want to reuse soil but I couldn't find any anywhere in town that was stored indoors and I swear there is like a boycott against happyfrog with these local supply shops. For sure not paying shipping with this much overpriced mix.
@Bill284 Seeing some issues with the leaf tips in two of the plants. Looks like it may be a potassium deficiency. I have seen this before when reusing potting mix.
I think it could be from stripping the plants and the VPD is around 1.8. Been stepping the light up 1000 lux a day and it's 25,000 lux now so I turned the lights down to 10,000 lux for a day or two. VPD is now at 1.2 so this should allow the plant to actually breath and uptake nutrients. I usually veg at 45,000 lux and flower at 60,000 but with only a 250 watt driver and two lm301h boards getting 12oz dried and trimmed but now I added a qb96 with 185 watt driver and vivosuns newest 150 watt light so the temps have been at 80f humidity at 50% but are now at 75f and 60% humidity.
Reusing this happyfrog potting mix by adding Liqui-Dirt, Roots Excelurator Gold, and happyfrog all purpose 6-4-5 fertilizer. Also using Fish Shit.
Didn't want to reuse soil but I couldn't find any anywhere in town that was stored indoors and I swear there is like a boycott against happyfrog with these local supply shops. For sure not paying shipping with this much overpriced mix.
Your feeding nutrients every other watering?
Are you putting calmag in your plain water first?
Do you check ph?
2 in one was the pot that has 2 plants?
In pic?


Usually doesn't work out for the smaller one.
And detracts from the big one. :Namaste:
Just 2 cents.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good job. :thumb:
Is that 2 in 1 pot?
Bottom right?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not sure what 2 in 1 pot is. They are the plastic air pots with a bottom but it is rather open. The other pots have their drip trays removed and holes drilled out larger for better drainage. See your reply now; The seedling didn't look that strong so I popped another one and stuck it in there but the little one will suffer. Couldn't bring myself to kill it. I have been using a little cal mag although I usually don't and never had a problem... unless I reuse a mix. I never check ph anymore because when I was trying to adjust it messed up my grow. Now I've learned that potting mixes require a higher pH of water because the microbes operate at a higher ph but it lowers itself very quickly. The run off I tested a few years ago with happyfrog was a 6.4. Everyone I see using a super soil mix who brings the pH of their water down seems to have issues the whole grow. This has been a combination that is almost a set it and forget it for me. Thanks for the insight.
Not sure what 2 in 1 pot is. They are the plastic air pots with a bottom but it is rather open. The other pots have their drip trays removed and holes drilled out larger for better drainage. See your reply now; The seedling didn't look that strong so I popped another one and stuck it in there but the little one will suffer. Couldn't bring myself to kill it. I have been using a little cal mag although I usually don't and never had a problem... unless I reuse a mix. I never check ph anymore because when I was trying to adjust it messed up my grow. Now I've learned that potting mixes require a higher pH of water because the microbes operate at a higher ph but it lowers itself very quickly. The run off I tested a few years ago with happyfrog was a 6.4. Everyone I see using a super soil mix who brings the pH of their water down seems to have issues the whole grow. This has been a combination that is almost a set it and forget it for me. Thanks for the insight.
2 plants in one air pot?
Pic above?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Stripping 75% of foliage just leaving the tops really put a strain on these girls and I knew it would. The transpiration/ respiration virtually stopped removing moisture from the soil of which was thoroughly watered before hand knowing I would not be able to to water for an extended period of time. Had some issues with the fan leaf growth at first being rust spotted at the tips. I suspect it's due to suffocating the roots since this used soil seems heavier and more compact than coming straight out of the package. If you ever decide to reuse potting mix with some roots left in it I would recommend adding 10% perlite.
Looks like all that stalk I stripped and covered in soil is beginning to root so I'm trying to keep the top layer moist so they can spread out. They are now growing fast like normal being unblemished and darker in green increasing in size at a good rate with slight tip burn on a few as the soil drys out. Have only watered once since stripping everything but the tops.
Topped everything this morning leaving three nodes per plant, except for the tiny Sour Diesel by Crop Kings. I will be removing the bottom node of each plant keeping the branches for clones leaving each plant four mains which would be nodes 5 and 6. Once they even think about being crowded I'm switching to 12/12. I might remove some of the fan leaves around that time as well but like to tuck if I can.
Lux is at around 25,000 as I let the plants grow into the lights but there might be some rearranging when they begin to flower at which time I will be adding phosforous and potassium somehow without adding nitrogen.
Parameters are 70f/ 60% humidity sleeping and 78f/ 55% during waking hours on average. Not perfect as VPD is staying around 1.4 average but as the tent fills up it will get better with all that foliage transpiring.
Wanting to cut my clones off now so they can root before 12/12 and enable the mother plants to recover before the flip as well. The only problem is there aren't enough nodes to harvest a decent size clone yet. Been trying to find information on cutting next to the stalk instead of directly below the node. Was wondering if anybody had thoughts on this. I believe it will be just fine. Ready to begin training for a level canopy.
Ok. Got the clones cut and tucked some stuff. Removed a good percentage of each plant with that one considering all the lower growth was larger.
These next pics.
are the before and after cutting clones pics..
Looking Sharp.:welldone:
Happy Sunday Amigo :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I moved some things around to accommodate the different sizes better. Here is a picture with labels.
This is the first day of 12/12 so I might be doing more rearranging once they stretch. I plan on tying down some stems today or tomorrow. For reference the Marionberry Kush is a foot tall. Stalks look pretty beefy for such small plants at 30 day mark.
Been watering whenever the pots feel light while keeping the top moist with every other day wetting. Adding a pinch of Epsom salt every other watering. Backed the lights off just a bit getting 25,000 lux at the top of canopy instead of the 30,000 lux they were at. This should give me a little room for the stretch without stressing them out while they get used to their new locations in the tent. Temps are 71.5f and 60% humidity during lights out and 78.5f and 55% humidity during lights on.
Have a few pics of nutes I've been using.
I only used the Roots Excelurator Gold For the first wetting of the soil and one more time since then. The Liqui-Dirt is used at every watering. The all purpose mix was one cup for every 5 gallons of soil. Used Fish Shit for the first couple of waterings until it ran out and I won't be using Fish Shit for the rest of the grow. The dunks were used at 1/4 dunk per gallon of declorinated water and let sit for 24 hours before watering with it and will eradicate fungus gnats 100% from just one dose for the entire grow.
Here are some pics of the stuff I just picked up from a local grow supply. Also will be adding some molasses as well I guess. I have no experience with any of the products I just picked up. It seems like these shops always tend to push me in a different direction than what I'm looking for. I was looking for a 0-3-1npk ratio but with all this new stuff I will be at a 1-2-3 ratio. The guy seemed very knowledgeable not really the stoner type so I gave in and will try this stuff.
Please, any recommendations would be appreciated. I plan on doing the usual 1/3rd the recommended feedings.
Have a few pics of nutes I've been using.
I only used the Roots Excelurator Gold For the first wetting of the soil and one more time since then. The Liqui-Dirt is used at every watering. The all purpose mix was one cup for every 5 gallons of soil. Used Fish Shit for the first couple of waterings until it ran out and I won't be using Fish Shit for the rest of the grow. The dunks were used at 1/4 dunk per gallon of declorinated water and let sit for 24 hours before watering with it and will eradicate fungus gnats 100% from just one dose for the entire grow.
Here are some pics of the stuff I just picked up from a local grow supply. Also will be adding some molasses as well I guess. I have no experience with any of the products I just picked up. It seems like these shops always tend to push me in a different direction than what I'm looking for. I was looking for a 0-3-1npk ratio but with all this new stuff I will be at a 1-2-3 ratio. The guy seemed very knowledgeable not really the stoner type so I gave in and will try this stuff.
Please, any recommendations would be appreciated. I plan on doing the usual 1/3rd the recommended feedings.
Rock and roll buddy :surf: :morenutes:
Great stuff :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thought I would share a picture of what I'm smoking on from my last grow while I tie these girls down. Seven gram nugs of Sour Diesel from Growers Choice. Smells of lemon until you break it up and then it's 91octane. Once you put smoke in the air it smells very sweet. Only doing one side of each plant for now so I don't split them in half. Also waited until they dried out some to keep from breaking branches.
Let's see if I can post without it being to much! Finished getting all these girls opened up. Subsequently moved them into their new locations according to size and need for airflow. Although I felt like it was a bit early switching to 12/12 it looks to be a good move.
The plants looking more indica in structure are stacking nicely growing about a 1/2" of stem growth per day while the plants with a sativa looking structure are stretching more with 1" of growth per day. The AK 47 is just small and slow but I've seen little way behind in growth strains explode in flower by the end.
They have not required much water up into this point. Yesterday was a top wetting with 1 gallon of water containing 5ml Hi-Brix let to sit for 48hrs mixed and 1ml BioBloom added at watering time dispersed evenly throughout all plants. Waiting for the pots to dry out a bit but not until the point of wilting. I have found that if they tell you water is needed by wilt during flower it's already to late and damage is done with premature yellowing of the leaves as well as soil getting hotter with an increase in tip burn.
Tucked as many leaves as I can and have not removed any. Trying to resist the urge while waiting until week three and it's difficult to do. Normally I would have plucked a few leaves here and there that are blocking the some good lower bud sites. However, with all of the stress these girls have been under I notice slow growth and water uptake with every move I make so I will wait this time.
Tent is super stinky as they go through a stink phase. Not sure who the culprits are but this is the loudest bunch of leaves I've grown! Thank God I have two 4" AC Infinity exhaust fans and a 6" as I attempt to filter the air going in and out keeping just the right amount of negative pressure. This helps me control the air exchange to negative pressure values better as well as not sucking in any potential pests. Might not save on electricity but should save ware and tare on equipment. So far have not had one pest. I will not spray anything on my plants.
My goal is to have premium flowers not maximum weight. Looks like every flower will have plenty of light all the way around.
By the way, I did lower the lights to 12,000 lux after strapping them down for a day, then 20,000 for a day, now at 25,000. Will be upping the light daily until I reach 55,000-65,000 lux depending on how each strain handles it. The Marionberry Kush did very well at 65,000 lux at the tops. Some of these sativa's may not.
Since the switch to 12/12 been averaging 74.5f, 60.2 humidity, and 1.2 VPD or so. The up and down swings during this period are in relation to my home's a/c. If I could keep the spikes down it surely would be a major difference maker. Reluctant to show this but here are the charts. Keep in mind the Vivosun is new but shows worse values than my Inkbird temperature and humidity probes but it's within a half of degree. Keep in mind my probes are at different portions of the tent at 1' out from the side and ceiling of the tent.

You'll notice the temperature right now is kinda up there but as it heats up outside the a/c kicks on more and lowers it for the rest of the day. This is the reason I do lights on during the day and not at night during the summer. Sorry power grid! Doubt I'm even pulling 1000 watts from the wall.
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