674g Out of a 3'x3' Single-Plant Scrog


Well-Known Member
Sounds crazy even to me, and I had to trim it all! Just finished drying, everything was 61-62% humidity when I weighed it. I also collected over 9oz of trim.
I used Gorilla Glue seeds from New420Guy, DWC, GenHydro nutes, 600w MH / 750w HPS, in a 3'x3' scrog. Took 120 days, from seed to harvest.
Check out my grow journal for more details and photos.
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So you seedling to veg in 2 months then into flower for 2 months.... I'm thinking you missed a month or 2? fess up
Nope I swear. I vegged 55 days from planting the seed in rockwool, and flowered for 65. I realize it seems extreme, but I use co2 and high temps. I didn't do a day by day thorough journal on this one, but if you look at my mimosa journal (especially the daily photo gallery) you can see how I do it so fast. That plant took 68 days of veg but that's because it filled a 4x4.
My perpetual candyshop thread does have weekly updates on the latest one tho.
OK 55 days in veg that sounds long enough. I just pulled 473g dy trimmed off a plant that veg'd 3 months. She was 14' tall tho nothing that wood fit in a 3x3 even tripled over.

Still skeptical but thats a great haul. I've never seen that under a 600w hid before.

Congrats on the stellar haul. Not trying to rain on it sorry.
The biggest key in explosive growth is maintaining consistent environmental numbers. Let's say you want a daily humidity of 60%. 12 hrs of 40% and 12 hrs of 80% equals an average of 60% but that is not best for fast growth as the plant wastes energy constantly adjusting to the environment. This same principle applies to temp, co2, ph, ec, water temp etc. It takes a lot of gadgets to monitor and control all these variables. I have a co2 controller, water chiller, humidity controller, ph/ec monitor among many other toys to help maintain consistent numbers.
Lots of people will say that you don't need all that to grow weed, even great weed. And thats completely true, but it is crucial if you want to grow weed fast. And that is what I enjoy out of the hobby, speed. I don't really know why, but I've always been obsessed with growing them as big and fast as possible.
I don't have the space yet but within the next 2-3 years I plan on going for the indoor weight record, and I plan to smash it. One plant in a 10'x10' scrog (four 1000w HPS) should yield over 10 lbs. There are obviously slight adjustments to my current method but the principle remains the same and I'm very confident that is doable. I would estimate that would take about 115 days of veg and 65 days of flower give or take, for a total of 180ish days, now that would be impressive.

I would also be remiss to not mention that the seedstock was from one of our own sponsors in New420Guy seeds. Genetics are a huge factor in yield and that was first time growing one of their strains. I knew it was a winner towards the end of veg so I bought some of every strain they had. I really recommend their seeds.
I believe you. IF you run DWC in proper environment there's literally nothing holding the plant back from its max potential. Some will argue that it won't have this or that etc. But as you mentioned you enjoy growing big and fast. As with cars, some people mod their cars to run as hard and fast as possible and some would say "well, it's not a comfortable ride" or "it's too loud to converse inside" etc.
Well, it's not built for comfort it's built to be faster than the one in the next lane!

Great job on the hot rod harvest!
1000w get hot as hell in a 3x3
Lots of people will say that you don't need all that to grow weed, even great weed. And thats completely true, but it is crucial if you want to grow weed fast. And that is what I enjoy out of the hobby, speed. I don't really know why, but I've always been obsessed with growing them as big and fast as possible.

I have a strain that finishes in 40 days and top shelf weed. Future ... you prolly herd of it. I bred a tri-ploid I got in a seed pack.

I grow organically in soil. IF I had a greenhouse with a 30 foot ceiling I'd grow in a 500 gal bag of soil and could yield big big numbers one plant, but I need the height.

I don't train top or any of those sorta things just grow plants naturally. Size of pot for me is the deciding factor for size. For speed it's partly soil but most of it is genetics.
1000w get hot as hell in a 3x3

I have a strain that finishes in 40 days and top shelf weed. Future ... you prolly herd of it. I bred a tri-ploid I got in a seed pack.

I grow organically in soil. IF I had a greenhouse with a 30 foot ceiling I'd grow in a 500 gal bag of soil and could yield big big numbers one plant, but I need the height.

I don't train top or any of those sorta things just grow plants naturally. Size of pot for me is the deciding factor for size. For speed it's partly soil but most of it is genetics.
Holy crap that'd be awesome! You could grow some monster Congolese weed that looks like bamboo in the wild...Or anything giant
Well, it's not built for comfort it's built to be faster than the one in the next lane!
Loved your whole post. Exactly right. Speed is mostly derived from having your system dialed in, in every way. Giving the plant exactly what it needs, when it needs it, and realizing that each variable directly corresponds to other variables. For instance, increasing humidity will lower temperature, or how with co2 supplementation, you need to run higher temps, which means higher humidity to stay within an ideal vpd range. Or how water temperature in DWC affects oxygen availability to the roots (imo one of the most crucial aspects of DWC). Or how running co2 and high temps, means you actually have to decrease your ec.
It's even more important to understand why we do those things. Like using co2 is only beneficial if we increase the metabolism of the plant (so that it can process the extra co2). Increasing temps accomplishes this, hence why running co2 below 78 degress is inefficient and under 72 is pointless.
This approach should also provide with great bud. I would imagine there is a chance of losing a point or 2 on thc %, and some might say smell and taste could be affected, but even if so, I think very minimally. While speed is my primary goal, I do not want my thc, flavor or smell to drop below 90-95% of its potential.
1000w get hot as hell in a 3x3
It does, but here's where it gets tricky. The tents are 40"x40", the scrog screen is 36"x36" so that the frame will fit in the tent. I tried running the full 1000w but I would have to keep the house at 65 or below and that is not an option. So I went with 75% of power. As you can see in the photos, she did get a bit of foxtailing due to the high heat, but it was consistantly 110-115 here in the desert and our ac struggled to keep it under 80 in the house, and thus 90 in the tent, but she took it like a champ.
With the next plant, Cheese, I forgot to flip her for 4 days and as such she has grown a little taller than I'd like. Heat won't be an issue now that it has cooled down but light bleaching will be on at least 2 colas. Because of this I've dropped down to 50% power for now and the last 3-4 weeks I'll bump it up, even if only for 6-8 hrs of the 12. She is on day 82 overall from planting, 21 days of which have been 12/12.
The smaller plant is Dosidos, she is 29 days from planting.
Can't say enough about the fridge dry, it was awesome. Really improved taste and smell as it dragged out the drying process for almost 4 weeks.

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That's a different question as flowering times are strictly genetic-dependent. But when it comes to speed, veg is where the magic happens, that's where you can do the most to speed it up, that and the first 2 weeks of flower. After that it's about not doing anything to slow her down. I can't lower a sativas flowering time, no, but I bet you I can make her a monster in veg much faster than normal.
Perhaps I should have said, maximizing potential speed is about being dialed in.
My last scrog (last year) I harvested just over 620 grams of dry bud. 3' x 3' scrog, 4 plants, 2- gorilla wreck #4 and 2- 91 skunk D. Grown in 15 gallon pots with organic water only soil. 520 watts - HLG quantum board fixtures. Can't remember the exact time? Probably 6 weeks veg and 70 days flower. I didn't weigh the trim, it goes to the worm bin.
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