600W HPS Grape Ape G13 Auto Coco Loco


Well-Known Member
Well my name is Richard and I live in Michigan. I am a medical marijuana grower that is licensed. I have a small area to grow due to my living circumstances and it is a very small closet. I have successfully grown a batch of sativas. California Haze and juicy fruit. Did considerably well. Granted my first grow was my first indoor grow ever. Always been an outdoor guy. I have decided to go with bush doctor Coco loco for my second grow as my medium. I am using Fox farm nutrients. The dirty dozen. Granted that I am using Bush doctor Coco loco I will not have to mute anything for at least a month. For genetics I went with Kyle cushman's home-grown cannabis company seeds. My first go-round will be with two grape ape and1 g13 autoflower. I am using 5 gallon canvas pots. My timbs maintained between 75 + 85 my RH is around 30 to 50. I am excited to give this dirty dozen a go. My first girl I used the main three big Bloom, grow big, tiger bloom. Overall I was not impressed with the terpene level and overall pungency. I feel like I also did not flush as well as I would have liked to. Leaving me with not as smooth as a smoke as well as are there undesirable characteristics that I hope to negate in this Grow. I am a newbie. But I hope to keep you guys posted soon.


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Last grow I tried dry hanging for 2 weeks with one plant. I tried immediate wet trimming and bin storing on the second plant. I tried a mix of both on a third by dry hanging for several days until the outside was crunchy on one plant and then immediately put it in jars with boveda packs. To try those out. And the 4th I just left whole and dried it whole and broke it down after everything was nice and snappy. Overall, I am torn in between wet trimming and bin drying, drying as a whole. My curing process has been half gallon jars burping twice a day for about 10 minutes. For 2 weeks then once a day for a week and then every other day on the fourth and final week. So definitely a lot of fun a lot of variables going on trying a bunch of new methods I've never tried before. I guess that's the name of the game. What do you guys think? What works for you?
Very nice setup Richard we have quite a few coco growers . You’ll find a number of ways to harvest and cure . I believe the one Harvest that had no flavors I dried too long too dry !
:thumb: :peace:
Update day 14 from tap roots to seedlings. Second tier goin on looking good so far. Really trying to lightly water to make those roots search! So going good I think. What you guys think?


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Day 24. one is looking off, but it does have some genetic problems going on. Hoping it works itself out, got a few blunt tips on a couple of the fans. But otherwise Coco loco is doing good so far. Haven't added any nutes just pH'd water to 5.9.


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^that might be the issue. I’d start feeding nutrients.

I agree, I usually start light 1/4 strength feeding when the second or third set of leaves start, around 1-2 weeks. Then bump it up a bit every 4-7 days or so. And I grow in potting soil mostly, you are in coco which has less nutrients in it.
Planting them in their finishing pots it's a first for me, so I'm not to sure of watering amounts. I'm trying to keep the moisture in the soil low so those roots really search for the water. So light watering every few days and when they really look parched I and a smidge more. Kinda winging it I guess
yeah, I have a hard time judging how much water as well when starting in large pots. I started an auto in an 8 gallon pot to see how it would do, and have had to water it a little extra because it was dropping and the soil on top was still a bit damp. I just dont think the roots were stretched out quite that far yet. So I watered a bit extra around the drip line (where the farthest leaves reach) and it perked back up.
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