6 week into flowering didn't get me high


Well-Known Member
my plants looks really good for my conditions :D it's covered with tricomes
It's into flowering for 6 or 7 weeks but when I tasted it nothing happened not even slight buzz, I dried it in microwave and smoked, I'm disapointed and scared will it be potent in 2-3 weeks?
any calming advice will be appreciated :thanks:
Are you certain that it's been flowering for that long? I only ask because those flowers look small if you're truly into week 7 of flowering. Maybe that's just the way that strain rolls. What strain is it? Autoflower or photoperiod?
it's small buds cos it under cfls and lsted aso lots of small buds, who gave seed he tald me it's white skunk, I know it's small buds but thats okay for me, small port little light but it's covered with trichomes and when i look with magnifier trichomes are turingn to cloudy, mainly their cloudy that's why I wantet to taste.
their more into 7'th week, how can i help with potency?

it's very strached
6 weeks from 12/12, I think buds are small because it's lsted and it ahs looots of smal buds that's not my consern, I'm interested in when it reaches pick potency, I dried them in oven so maybe quick drying evaporated all of thc, in your experience how high does 6 weeks onld plant gets you. maybe curing can help with potency?
it also had small nturient problems but now it's coming back I think that also slowed process little bit, I'm using nutrient 12-35-12 for flowering and I overdid it and cot small nutrient burns twice :(
those pictures of buds are small buds it has much bigger buds in back but cant get good pickture of them
its only minimum of 3 weeks old then, you never count the first day of 12/12 its always 2-3 weeks in then start counting, and if it is w/s strain your looking at another 4 weeks easy, and dont worry they will put a little weight on, lsting does not make them have small buds, it helps improve yield.
if you can, get some boost and pk, helped me put weight on loads!
:D another 4 weeks :D at first guy who gave me seeds told me they were autoflowers so I veged them for 2 month and afther that I realized it wasnt auto so switched to 12/12 and if first 2-3 weeks doesn't count it's in 4 th week of flowering. it's been more than 3 month for total :D
unfortunatly I dont have access to boosterts but this nutrient has really high P 12-25-12 it should be alright with it any other organic solution?
also when I look it with 60x magnifier lots of trichomes are turingn cloudy there no brown or ember tricoms yet but there's lots of cloudy, is this expectet in 4 th week of flowering?
class tomorrow as the start of your 4th week and whats the name of the nutes you are using? i leared only ever do 3/4 strength in flower and stops nute burns and over doing it.
as for organic solutions i cant help you as i only ever use synthetic
if anything, trim some of the small popcorn nugs and stuff that doesnt look anything special and that will help you a little
I just wanted ti tell that you can grow with cfl and have really good results.How many watts are those that you have there.I would be better to have and some warm 2700k cfl in there.As for the potency how the plant matures thc does too.The last 2 weeks are very crucial you have some time to go and dont put tham anymore in micro ahhaha it must be cured properly it will effect more the taste than potency tho.

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights
The plants dont look at all healthy tho but I think too its a sativa dominant and if the streach maybe is from the light

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights
eah it has nutrient problems but here's not much to choose from so it will survive, I made mistakes and cant fix it now :(
yop :D cat and it goes from my cloth to plants I will remove every single hair when harvest dont want to smoke cat hair :D
sure I have 280w of cfl and 50w led floodlight. cfls produce abour 50-60 lumens/watt and this particular eld produces 80 lumens/watt
so it's about 350w of cfl equivalent. but buds near led's are noticeably bigger for next grow I will go with diy led lights, leds are the future
growing 2 plants in small space ^_^
yes I have small pc fan for intake and larget toilet fan for exhaust but thoes are only on when lights are on. temperatures during dark period drops to 15-16 Celsius and during lights its 25-28 so its perfect i think :D
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