6 mature or 12 immature?


New Member
how do u guys see it in personal grows, buy 6 clones a month and foget about a veg room with mothers and cuttings or is there any concensus on strategy for perpetual harvest as u see it. my grow space is a closet 2ft x 10ft x 8ft ceiling with a shelf 22in x 10ft positioned 5ft above the floor with sliding mirror doors. total sq footage is nearly 40 sq ft but with the shelf vertical height is limited.
IMO, you would take away alot of the fun and learning experience without having a veg room. Of course growing from seed is great as you get the experience and in the end everything you get was from you and your little seed.

I would be just plain bored with it if I was just tossing them in a flower room and that was that. I wouldn't feel like I did any of it personally. Perhaps make a small corner of your room for one or two mothers. This way you wouldn't have to buy clones all the time and can make your own. I do my best to bond with Mary anytime I can as she treats me so well. :smokin: Of course saving money is always a good thing as well. :peace:
i suppose i was to vague when i poised the question:smokin: i live in la county and have a doctors recommedation and would like to stay within ca. sb420 guidelines of 6 mature or 12 immature or 8oz of dried while still being as efficent as possible. of course buying 6 clones on a thirty day schedule would mean a 60 day flowering variety, harvesting 6 a month and having a total of 12 plants at any one time. i've looked around the different forums and can't find any discussion on how people are complying with this issue. i'm not sure if i even posting this in the right forum or if maybe it's an unpopular topic to discuss
what about the case people vs kelly.... i think it was 12oz and 7 plants in lakewood ca getting thrown out of court on appeal
Read the text of People vs. Kelly here.

It's 56 pages, but it was absolutely fascinating and very interesting.

The times are changing in California, slowly.

I can't accurately speak to your situation as I'm not an attorney.

So, your best bet would be to read the text of Prop. 215, codified as Health and Safety 11362.7 et al.

Then, read the text of SB 420, or examine the rest of the H&S sections above for the additional text that was codified from SB 420.

Then, read all the other case law that applies, there are about 10 to 20 really significant cases in the last 15-odd years that are all applicable.

As you can see, this is not an easy question -- never assume that just because someone else's case went a certain way, that means that your case will as well -- all cases are adjudicated on their own merits, which means that only the facts of your case will be considered, case law is not statutory law.
thanks dacob for posting the link, before i had my recommendation i was growing sog in 32 oz cups with allotta little plants. now i'm trying to figure out how to stay within the guidelines. how many mothers, number of cuttings, how long to veg. i'm thinking 2 mothers, 3 cuttings per month,3 in flowering for 1 month,3in flowering for 2 months vs buying 4 clones and veg a month 4 in flowering for 1 month 4 in flowering for 2 months
grow 4 to 5 ...36 inch plants. you should beable to grow 2 to 3 ounces on each just stick with shorter strains that have a good yield.any skunk will work well.veg 3 weeks at 12 inch flip them to 12/12.at finish they should be about 30 to 36 inch.
grow 4 to 5 ...36 inch plants. you should beable to grow 2 to 3 ounces on each just stick with shorter strains that have a good yield.any skunk will work well.veg 3 weeks at 12 inch flip them to 12/12.at finish they should be about 30 to 36 inch.

do u mean every month or on a 90 day or so turnaround. i'm already over as it is with 6 blue dream, one held back for a mother so 5 in flowering for 3 weeks . the others in veg are pre 98 bubba kush,fire og,and la confidential all clones from the collective. plus i made
a few cutting from the blue dream. i think the trick is to harvest 6 a month without having more than 12 at a time
Do you realy need the mother?I would just buy the clones if i could and do 4 grows a year.every 90 days flip 5 good size plants.sound like you have limited space.
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