5" to 6" flowering outdoors unknown strain


New Member
Hey. Few pics of a plant I had inside that stunted so it's been outside for a few weeks and started flowering. Looks cool . Is it worth keeping?
If it's an auto it could get a lot bigger before it's done so if it's not a bother then I'd let it grow out.

I've found that if autos are started in small pots they tend to stay smaller even if put in bigger pots but they do get bigger.

What makes you think it might be going hermie?

Pics are not so good but look for little yellow 'nanners or balls with no hairs coming out.

I'll break it down into two types of hermies (as I see it). Ones where the sacs grow separately from the calyxes, and ones where the 'nanners' grow along side the pistils. Check out this picture I took in my most recent grow:


Sometimes multiple nanners grow out of the same calyx too. Very interesting to see! Yet bad for the grow room...
Disturbing pic Jojo. I had a nightmare about something that looked like that last night. :)

Just 'nanners. I should sleep better tonight. :)

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