5 1/2 Weeks Into Flowering And Something Seems Amiss


Well-Known Member
Got a really healthy plant here I grew from seed. It had 6 weeks of veg and I'm now at 5-1/2 weeks into flowering. As you can see, the plant looks as healthy as a horse but these brownish/yellowish colored stains started showing up a few weeks ago and seem to be getting worse. Looks like the plant is going to finish out fine but I'm curious about what this means.

The soil is FF Ocean Forest and that accounts for the abundant, deep dark green leaves. The buds are a little small but I'd expect that for an indoor grow under fluorescent lights. Other than that she's looking great. I fed her very sparingly using the FF regime, but at greatly reduced strength. Two weeks ago I gave her the nutes with a very small pinch of Open Sesame, then a few days later plain water, then four days later another dose of nutes this time with a small pinch of Cha-Ching. And while she was showing a few signs of yellow leaves at the bottom, there was only a hint of this brownish/yellowish staining. It's spotting now on a few other leaves as well. I've only got 3 weeks left to finish so I'm just giving her plain water from now on.

In the past, I've had limited success with the FF regime. But I think that's been because the recommended dosages are just too high. In trying to find out what this is I'm hoping that once again I didn't over dose a plant with those nutes.



Willing to bet your soil ph is too low. Test your runoff. Yes FFOF should buffer but that's bullshit. I bet your in the mid 5's. Not good for a soil grow. If that is the case with the ph I would thoroughly flush with 10-15 gallons next time she needs watered. On the last gallon I would add a bit of lime to a 7.0 ph for a bit because it will probably drop back down some.
Willing to bet your soil ph is too low. Test your runoff. Yes FFOF should buffer but that's bullshit. I bet your in the mid 5's. Not good for a soil grow. If that is the case with the ph I would thoroughly flush with 10-15 gallons next time she needs watered. On the last gallon I would add a bit of lime to a 7.0 ph for a bit because it will probably drop back down some.

Thanks fanleaf, but this time at least, I'm afraid you'd loose that bet. I've carefully monitored the ph level of the water I give to her. It's always between 6.4 to 6.8 and the run off I've measured many time is always right around 6.5, with ppm of around 1300+. The water in this area of the country comes out of the taps at 8+ and I've seen it as high as 9.3. I use phDown to get the water to below 7.0 and I always let it sit out for several days to get rid of the chlorine. My suspicions are that it's just too much of those FF nutes. Next grow I will cut it down again, even though this time I only used 1/4 strength.
That's a mobile nutrient deficiency bud, 100% not nute burn.

Really hard to tell from the pic but I'd say either calcium rust spots or phosphorus deficiency. Google both, find some high res pics and compare them to your plants

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Treat for a phosphorus deficiency. You just need a touch more bloom nutes, looks like you've got yourself a heavy feeder

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Treat for a phosphorus deficiency. You just need a touch more bloom nutes, looks like you've got yourself a heavy feeder

I have been researching this and I think you're right. The reason I was hesitant to think P deficiency is that the last few feedings I gave her had small doses of the FF regime, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom and a small dose of Open Sesame. The last feeding was the same but with Cha-Ching instead of Open Sesame. Those two products have an abnormally high P ratios. And in the past I've damaged some plants by giving them full strength of this mix. I guess this time I err'ed too much on the side of caution. But the real reason I'm concerned about nute burn is that the tips of the leaves are dark and brittle. I can't help but think there is enough food but it's being locked out. ph is always around 6.5 with the run off I measure. The buds have swelled nicely. I'm going to give her a small dose of nutes in the morning and then finish the next 2-3 weeks with only water.
You may need to make a slurry from your soil to make sure that ph is right at the roots. 6.5 is borderline low for phosphorus

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