4x4x6"11' Gorilla Grow Tent Set Up


New Member
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I come to you seaking confirmation and guidance on how to set up my grow tent. What I have is a 4x4x6"11' gorilla grow tent but NOTHING else. I was thinking either going with a 600w or 1000w light ( up for debate or discussion ) and growing several plants in a scrog hydroponically. Ive read the book by Jorge Cervantes and another by someone else and believe I understand it all but I am just the hard headed kind of person who needs to either see or be told im going the right direction or I will forever be guessing until I see it lol.

So as far as set up goes the tent sits right next to a fire place where I figured I would vent and a window across from it but trees blocking the view. I am in a apartment building and the room it sits in is on the first floor and right by the dog run incase noise becomes an issue in any suggestions. I have enough room to set up a vegging area aswell but havent quite got that set up yet. As of right now the tent itself is up and ready to be filled with stuff I am just not sure which direction to head. At this point money is not to much of an issue so I would like to try and set up the most proffessional atmosphere I can for a reasonable price so that I can eventually grow competition quality bud. Im looking to come into the industry/world full force and entire all types of products ranging from extractions to flowers and eventually seeds / phenoms of my own but that is all down the road.

For now I seek guidance everyone. Ive read journals and did a search for something similar to what I am looking for but again I dont get that hands on advice experience that way. Appreciate ALL the help that may come and thank you for replying to what Im sure is a post you see every day!:Namaste:
Do you think the exhaust would be to loud for an apartment building with a window near a dog run? I would prefer to run 1000 just because of it being more efficient. I guess what I am looking for is tips or advice on lamps, hoods, air exhausts the whole nine yards. I was thinking getting the hoods with the glass cover so the heat of the light doesnt affect the plants at all. The room stays generally cool itself but the tent is designed with a flap for lower air flow and it happens to face a wall so I could leave it open for cool air but thinking a cooling unit would be better for perfect temp control. any thoughts?
It shouldn't be too loud depending on the fan you get
Def get a cooling unit tho you want to have the whole room at your control
The 1000 watt hps can get really hot even with the glass if its not cooled with an exhaust
Always keep it 18 inches from the tops of your plants
Check out my grow journal in my signature if you like

Do you recommend a certain company for good quite fans?
Alright whom ever may read. Ive now gone to 1 of the many hydro stores in the area and got everything priced out. Total is looking a little over a grand including trimmers and digital pH meter and ppm meter.

Here is what they gave me for price let me know if you guys know of cheaper ideas! Remember Id like to set up the best environment I can but not rob myself at the same time.

Timer: $14
Light ( 1000w hortilux ) 92$
Melon Head Reflector ( Tube of glass over the bulb and another piece sealing the light with good reflectiveness ) $140
Yo-Yo's: $15 each
Ballast digital= $225
8" fan: $128 (exhaust )
8" fan: $128 (cool air )
Filter: $35
Muffler:$85each (for sound of exhaust/cool air)
Mini Fans: $22
Digital pH meter: $87
Digital ppm: $72

Nutrients still undecided? maybe advanced nutrients/mills
Grow meduim: cant decide between hydro(bubble buckets kindad deal) or coco or soil

ANY AND ALL ADVICE IS WELCOME! Let me know what you guys think on the overall prices and or if you see anything im missing!
Hey coke maybe you could throw me a shout out on your post? I loved reading through your stuff! Im just so eager to get my tent up and running but Id like to get some advice on prices and recommendations on companies or manufactures and all that you know? Feels like out here in so cal everyone is trying to get your money noone is really trying to sell you good products and sound advice. Atleast to my experience so far anyways!
I always recommend buying from our sponsors. I also understand that is not always feasible or within budget.

I run a 4'x4' flowering tent with this light: Apollo Horticulture GLK600LS24 600 Watt Grow Light Digital Dimmable HPS MH System for Plants Air Cool Hood Set

and this bulb: 600 Watt Sunmaster Super High Pressure Sodium Bulb

There's room in that tent to fit another one. I'd rather run two 600 watters than one 1000 watt fixture.

Here's my PH meter: Oakton EcoTestr PH1

I would recommend all those products to anyone. They work and work well.

As far as nutrients, Blue Planet Nutrient's Elite lineup is what I use. Totally awesome stuff.

Pulled around 3/4 lb from my last grow. Those plants were grown SOG and took up about half of the tent.
I always recommend buying from our sponsors. I also understand that is not always feasible or within budget.

I run a 4'x4' flowering tent with this light: Apollo Horticulture GLK600LS24 600 Watt Grow Light Digital Dimmable HPS MH System for Plants Air Cool Hood Set

and this bulb: 600 Watt Sunmaster Super High Pressure Sodium Bulb

There's room in that tent to fit another one. I'd rather run two 600 watters than one 1000 watt fixture.

Here's my PH meter: Oakton EcoTestr PH1

I would recommend all those products to anyone. They work and work well.

As far as nutrients, Blue Planet Nutrient's Elite lineup is what I use. Totally awesome stuff.

Pulled around 3/4 lb from my last grow. Those plants were grown SOG and took up about half of the tent.

Thanks for all the info Josh those are def way cheaper then what these guys are trying to sell me! Why would you go with two 600's over 1 1000 though? I think I just read a small little discussion about this in coke420's journal one person says its better the other says its not. Also wouldnt I have to be extra worried about temps using 2 600w bulbs in a 4x4 tent? Although it would be pretty narly to have that going somehow I really dont know if it would fit.

Where can I find the sponsors? Im going to look around a bit but just incase I figured Id ask
would go smaller fan for intake to create negative pressure in the tent also i would pay the extra and go for a rhino filter, well worth the money

See this is the type of stuff I am looking for. What would you say I should be using as far as fan size goes. My tent is currently 4"x4"x6"11' but could extend another foot if anyone found it extremely beneficial.
That Cervates book, is it 'Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible'? If so check out page 178.

Even if you are using CFL's for lighting, you're going to have to have ventilation. That hood I gave you a pic of is air cooled with a carbon filter. Lights come on in an hour and a half and I'll take some pics for you. But I have that light around 6" from the tops with no heat issues. Can't do that with a 1000 watter.

If you check out the charts on page 179 of the grow bible, you can see that an average 1000 watt HPS will yield 140 Lumens per watt. A 600 watt yields 150 Lumens per watt. You can put the 600 watters closer and there is less electricity wasted on generating more heat. Just my thinking.
I guess my tallest tops are 8"-10" from the cool tube.

Here's a couple of shots from my 4'x4' taken tonight.

Nice Girls man! How much are you usuallly yielding per crop and have you fit 2 600w in there? I def think im going the 600w route for sure after talking to a friend it will be much easier to keep cool and if I can get 2 in there it would be killer!
Only the one 600 watter in there currently. The reflector hood measures just under 2'x4'. There's plenty of room for a second.

Only done the one full crop of the A Trains. 26 2 Liter Hempys were around 3/4 lb. The containers took up less than a 2'x2' footprint in the tent. The largest plants yield 25 grams dried.

I've harvested four Northern Light Blues immaturely because they were full of seeds from the A Trains. They weren't 4' tall Sativa dominant like the A Trains. They performed as an Indica dominant plant in this system should. 20" tall of mostly cola. The 18 NLB clones I currently have should yield around 20 grams each of perfect nugs. Times that by 18 (360) divided by 28 equals 12.86 oz's dried I'm expecting to harvest from a 1'x1' corner of my tent.
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