420's MrLuv2Grow First Journal 2021


420 Member
Pot Size: 11 Liter.
Medium: 50% Regular Garden Soil 50% Home made compost.
Strain: Unknown Sativa.
Outdoor potted grow.
Nutrients: None for now.
Water: Rain water/Deep well.
Number of plants: 2

I guess for now, I'll start with a bit of background on how and why I started growing.

We decided to leave the hustle and bustle of Manila mainly due to the pandemic and moved to a remote province far from the Capital.

Having done so presented the challenge of acquiring smokes. It is not only difficult but, apparently dangerous to ask around here about smokes as this area used to be a plantation.

With the last few ounces left to smoke, I was lucky enough to find two seeds. Thought to myself "maybe I should try to germinate the seeds and see if I can grow?".

Twas around February of this year when I started reading up about this wonderful plant and found Robert Bergman's grow bible. Google was my friend (still is ) as I started research on what these ladies will need, the how to and what nots.

Thinking I was armed with some basics, I started my compost and in due time germinated the two seeds I had using the paper towel method. I was exhilarated to see them both begin to sprout and "potted the pot " in small, individual pots couple days before June. This is one of the two identical pots I planted them into:


I decided to grow em all natural, as I've read in the ebook, no artificial light can ever beat sunlight. Sun, water and air, and mother natures best with my backyard compost. Here's some of that compost (nitrogen focused) left to add onto and prepare for next years grow.


My "pot head" started dreaming of monster buds.

I was very wary of over or under watering and followed Mr. Bergman's guide to the dot. Though, as Buds Buddy have pointed out, I was guilty of over caring for my plants, my first mistake was pruning out almost all the leaves after repotting and even damaged one of the leaves, accidentally cutting it off, when trying to remove what seemed to me at the time possible insect eggs (was just dirt though).


The biggest pest was me and my overeager attitude towards growing.

I was also careless when I repotted, even after having read that it should be done with extra care. I hit a nerve on that pretty lady (picture above) and stared at her until her leaves went back up and showed signs that, at the very least, she would live.

Itching to try out every new information I get my hands onto, I may have rushed into topping them off. Articles mentioned that recovery would take couple of weeks and I started to worry as it seemed no new growth was happening. I was uneasy, dreading the consequences of my actions made in haste, fearing overstressing my girls and the possibility of having caused her to become a hermaphrodite. Her once slight but distinct smell seemed to have weakened.

She has the will to thrive, at last, signs of that rapid growth is now back in full swing.


That's all for now. Happy growing to all, and to all a good high.
Hey MrLuv2Grow,

Welcome aboard the 420 train. You’ve done an excellent job!!

just for future reference - most do not top until 5 nodes or pairs of limbs are showing and the seedling is healthy as ever. Never top a weak plant but hey the great news is your girls survived and will reward you later on for your efforts!!

Also LST or low stress training accomplishes the same thing as topping but no plant recovery time is needed, here’s tutorial link on that InTheShed Low Stress Training

settle in and more will stop by soon!
Hey MrLuv2Grow,

Welcome aboard the 420 train. You’ve done an excellent job!!

just for future reference - most do not top until 5 nodes or pairs of limbs are showing and the seedling is healthy as ever. Never top a weak plant but hey the great news is your girls survived and will reward you later on for your efforts!!

Also LST or low stress training accomplishes the same thing as topping but no plant recovery time is needed, here’s tutorial link on that InTheShed Low Stress Training

settle in and more will stop by soon!
Thank you for the tips, will check out LST and the link you've sent. Cheers!
Moved one of my girls today into a 5 gal breathable fabric pot. This time she's in 75% garden soil and 25% vermicast.


She's growing fast and I wanted to give her a better living space. Unfortunately for the other lass, she started showing signs of Nitrogen deficiency:


and so I decided not to move her yet while I'm in the process of trying to help her out with some Peter's High Nitro ferts 30.10.10.

Both of them started last Sunday on their new diet and seems the lady who moved pots today is responding well. I also diluted the fertilizer strength to 50% as recommended by Robert Bergman's Caring for your plant guide.

Many many thanks to the awesome people here at 420 Magazine for great information and tips, particularly about transplanting. This great tip of cutting a cardboard and placing it onto the soil before turning the pot upsidedown worked wonders. The photo of the lady who moved today was taken not more than 20 mins after moving. Unlike the last time I did it, I was pretty happy with myself as she showed no signs of stress and looks right at home in her new pot.

Thank you peeps of 420 for sharing your knowledge, I really enjoy this new found hobby of mine and absolutely love watching these girls grow.

Will post my next update with regard to the treatment and progress of the nutrient deficient lady soon as there are visible developments.

Once again, happy growing to all and to all a good high.
Today Monday July 26, the seemingly endless torrential downpour has come to a pause. At this time 8:20am the sun battles to come through the thick clouds that has taken over the skies for the past nine days.

Finally, after what felt like ages, I am able to take my babies to their usual spot where they can get some sun after having been hidden in-between walls to protect them from the strong winds and endless showers.

Following up on my previous journal entry, the sick lass is out of the bushes and seems well underway to recovery, at least for now.


though there are new signs of threat I do not understand and would very much appreciate any information from the 420 Magazine community as to what and how I can remedy this approaching danger.



Solving the prior yellowing of the leaves has urged me to acquire new tools and employ knowledge shared by the good folk of the awesome experts of 420 Magazine.

pH testers for both water and soil coupled with pH adjusters has enabled me to control the levels of acidity based on recommendations found within our forums.

Today, also, I tried to make use of LST as pointed out by one of our gracious members.



I am however, unsure if I did this right and would be grateful for any instructions or comments that would help me take this new found hobby to the next level.

That's all for now as I keep my eyes on the sky and look forward to better weather.

Happy growing to all, and to all a good high.
Lst looks good, she will bounce back in a few days and the growth tips will point upwards as they should. That soil looks problematic the way it has cracks in it. Pretty sure it needs more aeration like perlite, pumice, rice hulls and biochar. A light, airy, well- drained soil makes it easier for roots to breathe and enables soil to dry out faster between water sessions which is good. Don’t dig them up but add aeration next time around like 25 % of container size.

Did notice funky marks on her leaves, might be thrips or leaf miners. Suggest dropping pics and all the pertinent details about your setup and soil mix in on the main FAQ page and asks what’s up. I’m going to be mostly offline for a few days as I try to dig out from other tasks
Thank you will take your advice and try to get my hands on some perlite. I have neem oil on the way to try and deal with the pest problem, it is as you said and she's looking good today. The sun finally came out but still raining on a daily basis here.


I'm fairly excited that she's growing well. The other one isn't doing quite as well though, pests got to her during the incessant rainfall. She's still alive and I'm doing everything I can to help her out.
It's been a while since I've updated this journal. The girls and I went through some pest problems, my mistake of using neem oil which literally burned the leaves, and nursing them back to health.

Here they are now...


my next update should be around harvest time.

Happy growing to all, and to all a good high.
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