420 Girl - Watermelon


New Member
I wanted to take the mystery out of cooking with our favorite medicinal herb and also show the viewer some easy techniques to follow along to. Gone are the days of large batches of butter and confusing ratios. Here, the novice baker can make a batch of 10 or 200 to suit their needs without wasting a drop. We know just how precious your medicine is to you and just how expensive it is too. We hope this will save you money and bring you love peace and happiness. Medicine isn't always in the hands of a scientist in a lab coat, often it is in your backyard and your kitchen. - Watermelon

"We don't smoke any pot, and we don't actually really reference marijuana too much," Watermelon told the Straight by phone about her new Web series, Baking a Fool of Myself. Each episode begins with the disclaimer "The following video is intended for medically exempted patients who would prefer to ingest their medicine rather than smoke it" and Watermelon refers to the THC component as "shake flour" in most recipes. A comedian, long time entrepreneur, and Rio Theatre investor, Watermelon began her foray into marijuana cookery 20 years ago and previously hosted Watermelon's Baked and Baking DVD in 2002. With her newest show, she wanted to break free of stereotypes surrounding the pot community. - Straight.com

A Vancouver woman known as Watermelon, an actor, satirist, stand-up comic, does an entertaining video series called Baking A Fool of Myself and it is all about cooking/baking with medical marijuana (to officialdom, she's Mary Jean Dunsdon and to everyone else, she's known as the fruit she sold on Wreck Beach for many years). In Baking A Fool, which she began in 2010, the striking blonde sometimes channels June Cleaver and at other times, she is Madonna channelling Roseanne Barr.

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