420 Girl - Toni Fox


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Toni Fox, owner of 3D Cannabis Center, is one of fourteen medical marijuana shop owners that made the switch to recreational sales. "Anyone from anywhere in the world will be able to come into our center if they are 21 and over with properly issued government identification and purchase cannabis," said Fox. 3D Cannabis Center has hundreds of marijuana plants in the building. They put in windows to the grow room, so customers can look.




Commencing in 1996, 20 states and Washington, D.C., with Maryland being the most recent, have passed and enacted legislation allowing the consumption of marijuana only for a variety of medicinal purposes. Though there are state laws in place that allow for such use, using marijuana is still a federal offense. According to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, many of the state medical marijuana laws "originated in order to create a legal defense to state criminal possession laws or to remove state criminal penalties for purported medical use of marijuana." Since the passing of state laws surrounding medical marijuana use, authorization for state based production and distribution of marijuana for medical purposes has increased tremendously as well.

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