400w HPS not lighting


New Member
So I have this pseudo recurring problem where about once ever other month I'll check on the ladies in the morning and my HPS bulb will be off. It's got elec running through the tube cause it looks like lightning inside the bulb. I turn off the power for 1-2 mins and start it back up and it fires normally. Does any one know what might be the problem?

I've got a new light on the way but should I be worried about it at the moment?

Should of taken pictures this morning but was more worried about getting some light on the girls and not about documenting my problem, sorry
When HPS get to the end of their life they can or will cycle on and off , maybe you caught it in a cycle.

It may not be the bulb but instead the starter in the ballast , how old is the bulb , and ballast ?

Also unplug it and check the wiring inside the ballast and on the socket thoroughly on the next off cycle.

3rd is the wiring of the proper gauge , from the wall power on ?
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