4/20 Ideas


New Member
Alright tomorrow is 4/20 and I want to do something with pot that i've never done before like make some hash or some stoner snacks.

1. Does any one know of a simple method for making hash with an ounce of good schwag and items around the house? I've never made hash but I would love to try. I did make some kief and pressed it, then i baked it in the oven for a bit but it didnt do much more than give me a buzz.

2. Whats a good recipe for some good stoner snacks using about an ounce of good schwag?

3. Anyother ways to get mashed other than hash and food?

ANY other ideas for 4/20 fun? JUST POST IT!

Thanks and Happy 4/20 eve! :cool: :bong: :smokin: :bongrip:
Well how i used to make hash all the time was collect all the kif I could. put it on a piece of baking parchment paper. Fold the paper up, put a damp papertowel overtop of it and run an iron on low over it for about 5-10 mins. Never failed me.
i used 95% rubbing alcohol, ground up the weed and let it sit in the alcohol and let the thc dissolve, strain out the plant matter then let the liquid dry on a smooth surface, scrape it up with a razor blade and you have some nice hash. dont let it dry for too long though or it goes crumbly
Search youtube.com "making hash" and im sure you will find out how to do it much better then anyone can explain and also you can pick the best method for you. My 4/20 is going to be the triple B, blunts, bong hits, and bitches you know what im saying.
Thanks for all the help and if anyone wants to know im making these little treats on 4/20!!!
Marijuana Recipes

Marijuana Recipes

I will be using 1lb of butter and 1oz of finely chopped commercial (schwag) bud for my canna butter which will be split between the two, sound good?
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