3 different strains finishing at different times - Harvest at early, ready, and late?


Well-Known Member
I had posted this reply to another grower in my grow journal, but thought I would bring it over to this forum to ask a general question to the group.
I will just paste it here and add the different photos for your viewing.

I actually I have 3 different strains. I am glad you brought up the different harvest times. I am a bit lost on that with this being my first grow indoors. Back in the late 70's & early 80's everything got harvested at the same time, same day. That is kinda what I was thinking I would have to do with this crop too. My grow tent is the only place I have to hang the plants that might be able to contain the odor/smell so i figured my Mango Kush would have to be harvested a little late and the other two strains maybe a little early. I'll post some pics of the different state of growth they are all at today.
1st two pics are of my Mango Kush. Farthest along from the start. Next is my Jamaican Lion X Maui Wowie cross I mangled to foxtail city by cranking my light up way too high about a month ago. Damage was done. Colas are huge but the top section spindly buds with foxtails galore. The last 5 pics are of my Acai-Berry X Gelato cross. Colas are big and it's coming on strong but still behind the Mango Kush.
I am really at a loss on how to dry these things without hurting the outcome. We keep this interior of the home at 76* and that's about as cool as the environment will be. Not ideal.
Next year I plan to frame out a section of my garage to a dedicated grow room with it's own mini-split AC so I can optimize the grow environment. I also plan to grow all 4 of my plants next grow from the same strain.

Side note; 1st grow since early 80's, 1st indoor grow, 1st hydro grow, and lastly, I'm old. So, please realize I am trying real hard. Mistakes were made that I hope to not repeat in the future. Hopefully will have a better space to grow in next grow.










I framed in a room for the same reason. Needed some place to control the enviroment. I'm using a 12000 btu air conditioner which seems to work alright. I try to dry at 65 degrees with 60 percent humidity for 12 to 14 days. I also use a food grade 7 gallon bucket with omega lid to cure. I just finished drying my outdoor grow in the new room.

Looks tasty and nice some very different strains but yeah growing the same stuff together is easier, as well different strains, different timing, different nutrient requirement behaviours, different heights, different stress responses, if you grow the same ones it's easier to keep things under control.

And what's the timing differential between the strains?
If it's a couple weeks, wait until the last one is ready? as times usually denote earliest harvest window and most plants can do with a bit more.
That's great advice. Thank you. I don't know about timing differential. It just seems as though the one with the wicked foxtails is still growing and popping out more foxtail buds. Won't quit. the mango kush is closest with just a couple more weeks to go i think. I will just keep cruising along.
I am looking forward to taking some time off and building a grow room before i start another grow. It will help in a lot of ways.
Yeah that does look like a long flowering foxtailing sativa.. so that could be a lot longer but she also looks already quite far along it's not like she needs to start her journey. So if you really need to I think yeah as you say look for a timing where they all three can be cut? One might by far along, one in the middle and one early, different harvest points have very different taste & effect results.

of course it's more interesting to try out that difference with the same strain as then you can tell what the taste & effect evolution is for that strain and where you like her best.

They look like they all will be pretty tasty soon enough.

I do like the way a very ripe plant looks and how those bud get and I don't mind the effect but flavour wise I kinda don't enjoy it when the amber sets in just before so everything stays fresh and spicy & zingy.
Yeah why not? there's strains that grow like that like Neville's Haze.
Although they may have been exposed to too much light, as that extra tower they've thrown out with singlet leaves I kinda feel you want to avoid that as that feels like a too much light response.. those will keep growing forever.. I wouldn't judge the plant by them.
You could top those to bulk up all the foxtail buds?
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