3 days Pola Azul - Day of test Certo - Ton of cranberry and water inbetween thoughts?


New Member
Hello everyone,

So i have a job interview next week and i was wondering if i could get some advice. I was thinking of doing the Pola Azul for three days and then the Certo on the day of the test to give my stomach a nice coating. Do you think it would be mad to do something like this? I dont see why since the pola azul is healthy on its on no matter what just dont want to counter act one another. I've been a smoker since 19 i am now 24 4'11 and weigh about 110-115 (depending on how kuch water my body holds on to) l am also drinking a ton of water now and cranberry juice as well as cranberry pills. Think all will end well? Thanks for any help!!!!
Re: 3 days pola azul t day of test Certo a ton of cranberry and water inbetween thoug

All these things do is to clean out the colon which can help in the long term when trying to get clean naturally but they won't help in the short term because the thc metabolites come from the dieing fat cells.
You've got pretty low body fat so dilution the morning of the test might work. You should buy some cheap thc strips and test yourself at home to see if it will work.
Drink 36 ounces of gatorade the morning of the test
Pee 3 or 4 times before the test
When taking the test
Pee a little in the toilet first
Pee 2 ounces in the collection cup
Pee the rest in the toilet.
Re: 3 days pola azul t day of test Certo a ton of cranberry and water inbetween thoug

I'm about 98-100 lbs, and I smoke almost every day, but not a lot. Maybe a g at most, usually less. I have a urine test with labcorp on Wednesday (it's Monday). I want to be 100% certain that I will pass this test. Will certo definitely work? Or would getting urine from a friend be a better way to go?
Re: 3 days Pola Azul - Day of test Certo - Ton of cranberry and water inbetween thoug

You're a moderate smoker, usually dilution won't work for moderate smokers. I would sub with someone elses urine or with some synthetic urine. Practice with water to keep the temp right. You can get stick on thermometers from your local pharmacy.
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