2x2x4 tent: how tall & when to flip the switch?


Active Member
2x2x4 grow tent
3 girls: White Widow, AK-47, and Bubblegum
Light: 1200w (268W±3% 110V) Maxsisun LED @ 26” above canopy
Growing in FFHF soil mixed with perlite
3 gallon fabric pots
4” in-line fan and carbon filter
2 fans installed and running in tent

So I’ve now learned I made a mistake buying a tent that’s only 4’ tall! But for now, it’s going to have to do.

How tall can I let my plants get before switching to flower? Right now they are about 2” tall and on their 4th nodes. I’m planning to top/FIM (any suggestions??) and do some LST. I know they’ll about double their size when put into flower but I’d like to use all space possible without growing them right into my light. Any help, thoughts, advice, or suggestions would be great! This is my 1st grow and I’ve already learned 3 plants in this tiny tent is too many. (FYI- Bubblegum is a few days behind the other 2)



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A 4-foot high tent is pretty restricting but with low-stress training and super-cropping it is possible to keep a plant pretty low with a decent veg time. You can actually flip a plant at almost any stage but the sooner you flip it the smaller your yield will be so the longer you go before you flip the more yield you will get of bud.
A 4-foot high tent is pretty restricting but with low-stress training and super-cropping it is possible to keep a plant pretty low with a decent veg time. You can actually flip a plant at almost any stage but
A 4-foot high tent is pretty restricting but with low-stress training and super-cropping it is possible to keep a plant pretty low with a decent veg time. You can actually flip a plant at almost any stage but the sooner you flip it the smaller your yield will be so the longer you go before you flip the more yield you will get of bud.

Thank you and understood. Do you think I can let them grow in veg to 10” or would that blow my roof off?
I really can't say because I don't know how much distance you have between the maximum height of your light and your soil height which would be the maximum final height of your plant minus the distance you need between the top of your plant and the light. During flower, some plants stretch 100% and some hardly at all depending on the strain. But as I said with super cropping you can always knock down the height by bending over each branch at any stage.
I really can't say because I don't know how much distance you have between the maximum height of your light and your soil height which would be the maximum final height of your plant. During flower, some plants stretch 100% and some hardly at all depending on the strain. But as I said with super cropping you can always knock down the height by bending over each branch at any stage.

Crap- I just did some measuring and with all accounted (soil height, space between light and roof, clearance of light to canopy, etc.) I will only have 18” of total grow space (height wise). My strains are White Widow, AK-47, and Bubblegum. These are my first plants and this is my 1st attempt growing so I have no clue how much any of these stretch during flower but I’ll further research. I’m such an idiot- 4’ tent?! What was I thinking?! My guess is letting them veg to 10” is going to be too much. Man, that sucks!
18 inches is definitely not ideal but you should be able to get some decent bud with that. If you let them veg to about 12 inches and with some low-stress training you should be able to cover your whole 2 x 2 area and if they stretch beyond 18 inches in flower you can just bend the tall branches over to keep them within limits.

Every time I mention this I get lots of blowback but honestly I don't understand why everyone is obsessed with growing in tents because I just grow in my basement out in the open with just reflectors around my plants but now because I am recording my plants in flower now in time-lapse photography I don't even have any reflectors up. Makes plants much easier to tend to than cramped in some grow tent.

18 inches is definitely not ideal but you should be able to get some decent bud with that. If you let them veg to about 12 inches and with some low-stress training you should be able to cover your whole 2 x 2 area and if they stretch beyond 18 inches in flower you can just bend the tall branches over to keep them within limits.

Every time I mention this I get lots of blowback but honestly I don't understand why everyone is obsessed with growing in tents because I just grow in my basement out in the open with just reflectors around my plants but now because I am recording my plants in flower now in time-lapse photography I don't even have any reflectors up. Makes plants much easier to tend to than cramped in some grow tent.


Well my friend, here’s the deal...my “grow lab” is in a room under my basement stairs with a 3’ tall locked door- ya sucks trying to climb in and outta there but sucks even worse trying to water! It’s in there because I have to grow in secret without my 17 year old daughter finding out there’s a party in the house!! I envy your situation but for right now, I’m jammed! I’m the chill mom that has to keep her chill incognito
That does sound like a pretty restrictive space but it is a very adaptable plant as far as training it so I think you should still be able to do a lot with that small space.
18 inches is definitely not ideal but you should be able to get some decent bud with that. If you let them veg to about 12 inches and with some low-stress training you should be able to cover your whole 2 x 2 area and if they stretch beyond 18 inches in flower you can just bend the tall branches over to keep them within limits.

Every time I mention this I get lots of blowback but honestly I don't understand why everyone is obsessed with growing in tents because I just grow in my basement out in the open with just reflectors around my plants but now because I am recording my plants in flower now in time-lapse photography I don't even have any reflectors up. Makes plants much easier to tend to than cramped in some grow tent.

Damnn..look at those tops..holy cow!!
Hey,Gnarly- I grow in a 2'x2'x44" tall box-(37",floor to light) I manage to keep the plants right at 2' tall
with LST (Quadline) and supercropping...they end up a bit closer to the lights than I'd like,
but they come out ok.
I usually flip them at about 9"tall, with the LST they're about 5 or 6 weeks old when I flip- without LST and topping,they'd be 9" tall at about 3 weeks- so the training buys you some time so the plants are a bit more mature when you flip them.

This is my last autos- got 6oz from the one on the left,and 5oz from the one on the right ...
Hey,Gnarly- I grow in a 2'x2'x44" tall box-(37",floor to light) I manage to keep the plants right at 2' tall
with LST (Quadline) and supercropping...they end up a bit closer to the lights than I'd like,
but they come out ok.
I usually flip them at about 9"tall, with the LST they're about 5 or 6 weeks old when I flip- without LST and topping,they'd be 9" tall at about 3 weeks- so the training buys you some time so the plants are a bit more mature when you flip them.

This is my last autos- got 6oz from the one on the left,and 5oz from the one on the right ...

That looks great and where I’m hoping to go with mine, so thank you so much for sharing! Mine aren’t autos but agree they’ll be close to 9” in another 2 weeks! I plan on topping as well as LST. Supercropping makes me a little nervous. Regardless, I’m limited on space and I realized too late that 3 plants is way too many for this small tent! I’m feeling like I’m just going to have to wing it using a few different techniques.
I’m only on my 3rd node (4th node just starting). Do you think it’s too soon to top?

Thanks again!!
I top mine as soon as I can get the clippers between the third and fourth node,then train the branches out to the edge of the pot.
Here's a thread you might want to have a look at-I top a little earlier than most folks,but most folks have a higher ceiling in the grow space...
I top mine as soon as I can get the clippers between the third and fourth node,then train the branches out to the edge of the pot.
Here's a thread you might want to have a look at-I top a little earlier than most folks,but most folks have a higher ceiling in the grow space...

Well I read your recommendation and I liked it so much that I went straight to my AK-47 and removed nodes 1 and 2 with the plan to top her on Monday. I didn’t do the same to my White Widow in fear I got too excited and stripped 1 and 2 from my AK-47 a day or two too early.

The first 2 pics are AK, before node removal. 2nd two pics are her after losing all modesty (nodes 1 and 2 stripped). Please tell me she still looks OK?!


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She looks exactly like she should-:welldone:
Although,she may not quite be ready to top on Monday-you'll need to wait for the 5th node,so when you top, you'll still have nodes 3 and 4 to work with.
I only shave node 1 ,then do the quad with nodes 2&3 -keeps the plant a little bit shorter.
The first quad I did, I had already topped the plant when I found the quadline thread,so I had to use nodes 1&2,because that's all I had left,and it worked just fine ...
Although,she may not quite be ready to top on Monday-you'll need to wait for the 5th node,so when you top, you'll still have nodes 3 and 4 to work with.
I only shave node 1 ,then do the quad with nodes 2&3 -keeps the plant a little bit shorter.
The first quad I did, I had already topped the plant when I found the quadline thread,so I had to use nodes 1&2,because that's all I had left,and it worked just fine ...

Sounds good. I’ll be sure to have 3 and 4 fully developed then top at the 5th because...well...1 and 2 are no longer an option! Thanks again, I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes!!
I think you got this- tag me( @carcass ) if I can help you with anything else.

And I'm sure somebody else has done this already,but Welcome to 420! :welcome:
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