
Well-Known Member
Hey guys, its a new season and a new season to give it my all. This year to me seemed to come way too suddenly and i was not prepared in the slightest. It took me until April 4th until i finally germinated my seeds. Many did not make it because they had been knocked over by the dog i had enough seeds and wound up with the right amount of seeds i wanted anyway even though i couldn't weed out the weak plants they'll still do their thing and produce beautifully with enough TLC. I hope you enjoy the start of this year's journal.

Strains I will be running this year:
2x Crystal Gelato from Big Head Seeds - 45 gallon and 20 gallon - Super soil made with Ocean Forest Coco Loco and Happy Frog
2x Buzz Light Gear from Dr. Krippling - 30 gallon and 20 gallon - Super soil made with Ocean Forest Coco Loco and Happy Frog
1x Gorilla Zkitlles from Barney's Farm - 45 gallon - Super soil made with King's mix and Black Gold
1x Double Alien 18 from DNA Genetics - 20 gallon - Super soil made with King's mix and Black Gold
1x Glue Dream from Top Shelf Elite Genetics - 30 gallon - Super soil made with Ocean Forest Coco Loco and Happy Frog
1x Blackberry Gum from Seed Stockers - 30 gallon - Super soil made with Ocean Forest Coco Loco and Happy Frog
1x BCN Critical XXL Auto from Seed Stockers - ground aerated with Black Gold soil.

P.S. The story on the small Buzz Light Gear is that the seed shell casing got stuck and ripped off most of the cotyletdons and i also accidnetally let the cup dry out when it was in stress. She's a fighter though that's for sure.
Any reason ya didn't grow them up in say a 5 gallon pot before moving them to where they are now? just wondering
The past couple of years i've experimented with transplanting to 1 gallon and then to 7 gallon before putting them into their final home at 30 gallon. I've also planted straight into their final home from the solo cup and didn't notice much of a difference if any. The way I look at is if can avoid unnecessary clutter and skip the transplanting process all together while getting rid of any chance of transplant shock i'm all for it.
Temperatures where I'm at have been wonderful, Highs up to 75 and lows down to 50 and should continue like this for the next week with plenty of sunshine. The girls really seem to be enjoying themselves too. Especially the crystal gelato, it's pretty amazing to see the difference in strength with this girl compared to the rest. Most of them are very similiar in size and just starting to show their characteristics but this one girl is nearly twice as big as the rest she's a Big Beautiful Weed and she is showing everything she's got.

The girls are doing lovely today, and I'm starting to love the difference in each strain. I'm definitely loving the Buzz Light Gear lower branching and the beautiful sharp leaves of the Blackberry Gum. The Glue Dream is definitely gonna be some work. she seems like she's trying to race the other plants to the sun. not much lower branching but a ton of vertical growth. I did happen to see some issues with the big Crystal Gelato, it seems like the roots may have gone into the super soil and i noticed a few brown spots that could be attributed to nute burn. However, I think this girl is more than healthy enough to withstand it She's also around 1' 1/2 tall so i topped her and i'm hoping the nodes below where i topped grow to the height of the top before they get a chance to finally take off. If i'm right i should have 4 tops around an even height and i can start training. The Double Alien 18 also seems to have some kind of deficiency. looks like it might be zinc? Haven't had this problem before and if anyone could chime in it would be appreciated. There also seems to be some critters attacking my plants. I get paid this friday and will have enough money to buy some neem to spray the plants with. anyway, here they are.

I finally got paid and the girls got their first dosing of neem oil which fingers crossed will keep them at bay, I did a light spray not too concentrated but we'll see. I also bent the rest of the plants down to allow for better lateral side growth and will be letting them back up when I get tomato cages it looks like these girls might be a little bit of trouble to keep under the fence line I'm still thinking of how I want to play this out. On another note I sprinkled bio live over the top layer to give a little kick of nitrogen. Hopefully that will help with some of the light coloring the gorilla zkittles and double alien 18 have.

Looks like the foliar spray works well, i might have made it a bit too concentrated for the first time since a few of the girl's leaves have the nitrogen claw. it seemed to help with the light coloring of the Double Alien 18 and the Gorilla Zkittles a bit though so i think i might cut it down to once a week at maybe 50% the strength i did before. The Buzz light gear that was on death's door is making a full recovery and is starting to really show it's strength, she'll be small but i have a feeling that her smoke will be better than the rest with the fight she has. on another note, the BCN critical is for sure going through stretch, and is starting to throw out pistils everywhere. I have a bet with my father on when it will be ready, fingers crossed it'a between June 15th and June 22nd i could use that extra 20. The girls also are no longer staked down since the metal started to burn the main stock i should be getting a roll of metal caging Thursday to try and keep them shorter. I gotta keep them under about 5' and that is gonna be a challenge.

The cages are up and plants will be starting training very soon. As soon as these tops start picking up speed a bit I'll start tying down. Other than not too much going on just normal daily needs for the girls. But one more thing, has anyone seen leaf formation like the BlackBerry gum has? The middle of every leaf is underneath all the leaflets, I've never seen a plant like this before but I like it.
Looks like rain in the forecast for the next 3 or 4 days decided to drop a little update before the storm, growth will be slow for awhile.

It's been a week since my last post and we've had insane weather for my area, completely unexpected winds that broke one of the main colas from the topping i gave the glue dream.

The Double Alien 18 also sustained a little bit of damage from lst and the wind. the base of one of the side branches broke off and the branch wilted before it had a chance to heal up but oh well at least the worms get some food from the decomposing branch.

The Blackberry Gum also sustained a little damage but this was due to inexperience using cages, i was a little agressive with the lst and the branches started splitting at the base, i tied them up and they seem to be recovering just fine. i'm going to give it a little bit before i bend the top out through the cages, i'm considering topping them again but probably won't for at least another week.

The stronger Buzz Light Gear finally got a douse of some cal-mag and silica but not too heavy of a dose as to not kill the worms inside the soil but she's doing wonderfully zero problems so far other than the slight calcium deficiency.

The smaller of the Buzz Light Gear is also doing wonderfully, and personally i like her structure a lot more, you can really see the sativa dominance in this one of the other Buzz Light Gear, I wonder how stable this strain really is.
She's really taking off now though i topped her about 2 days ago and she didn't slow down at all about 2-3 inches of growth in just those two days.

Big Bertha is what I'm going to call the Crystal Gelato in the big pot she's doing insanely well, i was a little unfortunate and caused a little crack at the top due to the stems being so damn hard and woody. these branches are so stocky they don't want to bend at all. I tied them back up and stretched them out. Over the next week the second topping on the two main branches should grow out enough to where i can weave them through the cage and that should let the lower branches grow out a little bit more but either way she's filling out her cage extrememly fast and her lower branch growth is phenomenal. This is the strongest plant I've ever had and i guarantee i'm going to be taking clones and breeding this girl out.

The smaller Crystal Gelato also had a bit of wind damage so she's tied up and recovering.

The Gorilla Zkittles really does have beautiful structure but my only problem with it is how spindly and weak it's branches are. either way she has no deficiencies and seems to be very good at keeping bugs at bay on its own. She should start filling out enough to reach the edges of the cage over the next week but until then this girl is just doing her own thing.

Last but not least the auto. She's doing very well but she's getting eaten up bad being right next to a grape vine. also i had her tied down and our tortoise walked through it pulled it out of the ground and super cropped the main branch for me but luckily it did not break and i have it tied up to the fence now.

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