2nd psychosis grow

doctor g0nz0

New Member
This is the my second grow with the psychosis strain (could well be a local name for it but i believe it has cheese heritage ). It is in fact only my second grow ever. I have 8 plants in two 8 site atami wilma drip feed systems. The plants were grown from clones from a mother i cloned from my first grow. The clones were placed in RootIt sponges (same as rapid rooters i think) and kept in a propogator under a 220w cfl bulb. The best 8 of the 10 clones i took were moved into my 1.2 sq m grow tent after two weeks. The medium I am using is clay pebbles and the light a 600w mh. Initially the plants were given just plain water and after a few days a half strength nutrient solution. After a week i moved up to full strength ( as I am a novice i am just using the guidelines on the back of the nute bottle ). The nutes i am using are Canna aqua vega and aqua flores. I realise that using the bottle guidelines probably isnt the best way but it worked fine for my first grow (16-17oz from 3 plants...... well 2 big plants and a struggler). This time i vegged for 24 days before changing them straight onto 12/12 hps with a full strength aqua flores solution. Now into week 2 and they seem to be doing great. Here are some current photos for which i must apologise for the poor quality. Will have to buy a proper camera and get some good shots.


I welcome any questions/advice you guys might have
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