2nd Grow 1st DWC


New Member
Medium-river pebbles/perlite
Lights-5 85w CFL
Nutes- miracle grow all purpose plant food water soluable

so I took a clone from my other grow while it was 2 weeks into flower. went shopping today and got an air pump with a double outlet, 18 ft of air hose, and 2 10in air stones that make fine bubbles I got all that from pets mart for 30 bucks.
Search every where for net pots couldn't find em so I found the drains for a pool that lookes exactly like one (clutch decision lol). I also got some perlite and river pebbles for my medium I also grabbed some miracle grow all purpose plant food for nutes I got that all from Home Depot. My buddy gave me my tote so no worries on that. I through that all together in like 15 minutes. Let me know what u guys think.


i think you may want to makr the stone come up higher to block the light going into the water,, your not going to want the roots too see light,, the darker the better for the roots that is

Ok that's what I was thinking to but my clone isn't tall enough for the roots to make it all the way to the bottom. Maybe I could put some black duck tape over the grate to block the light until its taller. What do you think.
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You will have a hard time if you don't have a ph and ppm meter.

I'm actually grabbing a spare water testing kit from work Im an boat engineer so I have to test are potable water all the time. The boss said it was kool as long as I through him 2gs.(he who has the cannabis has the power I guess lol) but yea so ill have tht Monday just wanted to know what should be my perimeters
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