2024 Sungrown NorCal

MaryJane RC

Well-Known Member
Just a guy learning every grow for many many years and still don't know s**t, lol
This year is an adventure......running 4 BW Genetics GMO ROOT BEER X CAP JUNKY photo fems, BW Genetics 209 Melons ? Supposed to be photoperiod regulars, well nope 1 photo, 1 auto female and auto males, starting the Mystery Jane project
And lastly had 3 KendogSmokes Seeds(KDS Seeds) APPLE DREAM and per usual I didn't sex 1 and it was a male so I just culled the 6 foot plus dude.....and have 2 ladies remaining
On with some pics beginning to present









A freeken mazing :adore::drool::drool:
Love your garden.
And your vertical trellis.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
I really appreciate it. :thumb:
Great job :bravo:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Have to admit these ladies needed , and still need top trellising as well but I'm currently out on workers comp and very limited to what I can and will do
Hey bud. Just a small piece of advice that you probably haven't even thought about. I noticed you don't show your face in any pics, if it's for legal reasons as to not be identified, I'd probably cover up the sleeve tatts. I came undone in the exact same way woth something else a few years ago.
Garden looks great btw 😀
Hey bud. Just a small piece of advice that you probably haven't even thought about. I noticed you don't show your face in any pics, if it's for legal reasons as to not be identified, I'd probably cover up the sleeve tatts. I came undone in the exact same way woth something else a few years ago.
Garden looks great btw 😀
Yeah I know, I just don't show my face that's all i dont even much with family, work, where ever don't really care about my tats showing I'm already in the system, what I grow they would just cut n run maybe a fine......way too many cartel and foreign grows with thousands around me for too much hassle and way too many mom and pops like me as well
Yeah I know, I just don't show my face that's all i dont even much with family, work, where ever don't really care about my tats showing I'm already in the system, what I grow they would just cut n run maybe a fine......way too many cartel and foreign grows with thousands around me for too much hassle and way too many mom and pops like me as well
Coolio, I'm in the system too, did 8 years, it's easy to forget little things sometimes bud, just looking out for ya. Glad you're aware 😀
Fasciation, also known as cresting, is a relatively rare condition of abnormal growth in vascular plants in which the apical meristem, which normally is concentrated around a single point and produces
Just a guy learning every grow for many many years and still don't know s**t, lol
This year is an adventure......running 4 BW Genetics GMO ROOT BEER X CAP JUNKY photo fems, BW Genetics 209 Melons ? Supposed to be photoperiod regulars, well nope 1 photo, 1 auto female and auto males, starting the Mystery Jane project
And lastly had 3 KendogSmokes Seeds(KDS Seeds) APPLE DREAM and per usual I didn't sex 1 and it was a male so I just culled the 6 foot plus dude.....and have 2 ladies remaining
On with some pics beginning to present









Apple dream sounds amazing 👏 🤩 the dream strains grow exceptionally well here in california! My plants just hit 14 feet tall 😱 tell me how she tastes when you finish.
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