2020 Outdoor: Auto Blue & Mixed ScrOG


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks,

This is my second grow ever and my first journal. I grew a few plants outside two years ago and gave them little to no attention besides an occasional look towards the end of flowering. I lost about 1/4-1/3 to his rot, but still have plenty in jars. I don’t quite smoke like I used to, but I still enjoy a toke in the evenings.:ganjamon:

I ordered a few seeds from 420 and am excited to get things underway.

My seedlings
Super Skunk
Amnesia Haze
OG Kush

The plan is to LST the blueberries containers and top and scrog the other three varieties all in containers. I could put them in the ground, but we may end up moving, so that could be interesting later down the line.
  • 1 x Super Skunk - 30 gal grow bag - home made potting mix and some potting soil on top
  • 1 x Amnesia Haze - 30 gal grow bag - home made potting mix and some potting soil on top
  • 1 x OG Kush - 30 gal grow bag - home made potting mix and some potting soil on top
  • 3 x Auto Blueberry - 7 gal container - home made potting mix and some potting soil on top

I think this was 2 amnesia haze and 2 super skunk when they popped. Dang cat chewed up one of the skunk a couple days later. This was around 4/5?


I seeded some super skunk and auto blueberry on 4/6. Here are a couple shots of the whole family hanging out under the starter lights. There are a couple sweet bell peppers in there for good measure. :thumb:



Auto Blueberry x 3
8 days since sprouting

1 Super Skunk and 2 Amnesia Haze
14 days since sprouting

I think a few of the taller sprouts got some light burn, so I raised the lights. I had had them pretty close!
I gave the ladies some Grow Big and Big Bloom this morning. Here’s a shot from this evening.

Amnesia haze are both putting out their 3rd set of leaves (Day 16)

Super Skunk is also pushing her 3rd set. (Day 16)

OG Kush is rocking their second leaf set (Day 10)


Auto Blueberry seems strong! I think I peeped their 3rd set pushing out. (Day 10)
I gave away two ladies to my friend to grow out, so I’m down to where I want to be...

1 super skunk
1 amnesia haze
1 OG Kush
3 Auto-Blueberry

I transplanted 1 blueberry to her final container and began to LST her. The other two blueberries will need to wait until I pick up containers. Let’s plan for this week.



Here’s a shot of the rest of the harem and a SMALL portion of my wife’s dahlias. I think all the plants are pushing out their fourth set of leaves. I’ll top the fifth set of leaves on the super skunk, amnesia haze, and OG Kush.



Day 23 since sprouting for the Amnesia Haze and Super Skunk
Day 17 somce sprouting for the OG Kush and Auto Blues

I fed all the ladies their second feeding of FF Big Grow and Big Bloom mixed at a bit more than the seedling rate listed on the bottles.

Here is a shot of the Haze, Skunk, and Kush

I picked up some 7 gal grow bags for the other two Auto Blueberries. Transplanted and started LST.



The weather has been cloudy and rainy and will continue to be all week. I’m dying to get these gals outside, as my indoor lights are far from perfect, but I think they’re better off inside at the moment.
Day 27 since sprouting for the Amnesia Haze and Super Skunk
Day 21 since sprouting for the OG Kush and Auto blueberries

The weather is finally turning a corner in the north east. The Haze, Kush, and Skunk all got transplanted into their 30 gal grow bags and were brought outside. I also brought out all the blueberries in their 7 gal containers. They all got a nice sun bath today and should get some for the next week :cheer:

Here are some shots of the 3 blueberries. I’ll have to number them for next time.




OG Kush

Amnesia Haze

Super Skunk

The dahlias are also waking up, so we started potting them. The wife has over a hundred :thumb:
It’s been a week since the last update. We’ve had some decent spring weather in the north east, but did catch some cool/cold and overcast days. I think I will start auto flowers a bit later in the future. I think they’d do much better in late spring and summer. But hey, we might move soon, so I wanted to get a harvest in!

This is day 28 for the auto blueberries and I’m seeing preflowers on all three plants. I wish they were a bit bigger, but I’m just learning! I think they got a little burned from the FF Grow Big. I used 1/2 strength, so I’ll prob try a bit less for next time.







Blue 3


Here are the auto blueberries. It is nice to see them starting to fill out a bit at day 35, five weeks since they popped. I’m feeding them 1/4 to 1/2 strength FF Grow Big and Big Bloom once a week. I’ll keep feeding them veg food until they slow their vertical growth as I read a grow guide suggesting that. :morenutes:

Blueberry 1 - I think she is working on 5 branches


Blueberry 2 - Looks like she has 3 main branches and maybe 2 smaller ones from the auxiliary buds on the cotyledons


Blueberry 3 - I think this gal is rocking 3 main buds

Here are my photo period plants. The Super Skunk and Amnesia Haze are at day 41 and the OG Kush is at day 35

Something is going on with the skunk and amnesia haze. They have some leaf curling. I’m thinking it could be over watering from the crazy rain I’ve had here or from when I moved the two ladies. The fabric pots have a lot of give and the soil shifted around when I moved the plants over a couple feet...I’m wondering if that disturbed the roots enough to cause the leaf curl. Can anyone chime in?

OG Kush


Amnesia Haze


Super Skunk




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@stoneotter @ProfessorFlora @Mr. Krip @MrSauga @Pennywise

hey folks, I saw you all posting in intheshed’s perpetual grow and you seem to be active members. I’m having trouble with two ladies and I’m hoping you can take a quick look at them.

Amnesia Haze and Super Skunk from 420 are having some leaf curl. I’m wondering if the grow bags aren’t draining well and they are over watered from all the rain I’ve had this week. I also moved the plants a few feet which disturbed the soil a fair bit.

The OG Kush is receiving the same treatment, but she has no leaf curl and I did not move here. Here are some shots from today.

Super Skunk

Amnesia Haze

OG Kush is on the left and has no curling leaves


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Hi WTM...

We’ve had some decent spring weather in the north east, but did catch some cool/cold and overcast days.
I wish they were a bit bigger, but I’m just learning! I think they got a little burned from the FF Grow Big. I used 1/2 strength, so I’ll prob try a bit less for next time.
Both of those issues will stunt the growth. Always start with 1/4 strength nutes. Watch the cotys as they are a sign the plant is hungry when they start to turn yellow. Normally you wouldn't have to feed until then.
I’m feeding them 1/4 to 1/2 strength FF Grow Big and Big Bloom once a week. I’ll keep feeding them veg food until they slow their vertical growth as I read a grow guide suggesting that. :morenutes:
Much better.
The fabric pots have a lot of give and the soil shifted around when I moved the plants over a couple feet...I’m wondering if that disturbed the roots enough to cause the leaf curl.
It's possible and once the roots get re-established she may work herself out. My concern is the homemade mix. Do you have any buffers in there such as dolomite lime? What else and what ratios did you use?
You may need to pH your nutes if no buffering agents in the media.
What have the temps been? Looks more like heat stress, to me, than over-watering. Usually, over watering isn't a problem in fabric containers, but if there's constant rain and the soil stays constantly wet, it can be an issue. Usually, the leaves will be "swollen" and won't "taco" curling down, like yours are, if it's over watering.

Also, what's your soil mix?
Hi WTM, Like another mentioned ph can be an issue without proper buffering. In that arena, they say indicas and sativas act differently. They each usually grow well together but if the soil goes high or low ph, one grows better than the other. My book isn't accessible to me know so I can't say which. Your condition may resemble this. Consider a slurry test on your soil. Simple repair could be some lime in a gallon of water, watered in. After answering the above question about buffering and phing feed/water. That might be all you need.

What is making the up pot ring in the soil so strong? Is there something there? How long have they been up potted?
Hey WTM. Looks like the guys have given you enough to chew on lol. Might I add one more thing to check? It looks like from the pics that your garden is at an elevated position. Have you had any strong wind or breezes recently? I have had leaves do that before and it was as simple as moving the fan a couple inches away from the plants that fixed it. Young plants can get a battering outside.
Hi WTM...

Both of those issues will stunt the growth. Always start with 1/4 strength nutes. Watch the cotys as they are a sign the plant is hungry when they start to turn yellow. Normally you wouldn't have to feed until then.

Much better.

It's possible and once the roots get re-established she may work herself out. My concern is the homemade mix. Do you have any buffers in there such as dolomite lime? What else and what ratios did you use?
You may need to pH your nutes if no buffering agents in the media.

What have the temps been? Looks more like heat stress, to me, than over-watering. Usually, over watering isn't a problem in fabric containers, but if there's constant rain and the soil stays constantly wet, it can be an issue. Usually, the leaves will be "swollen" and won't "taco" curling down, like yours are, if it's over watering.

Also, what's your soil mix?

I did not add any pH buffers. I bought some 50/50 loam/compost mix from a local landscaping company. I filled the grow bags to about 1/3 with perlite then mixed that into the 50/50 mix.

Temps have been in the 60s mostly with a few nice days in the mid to upper 70s (yeeeeeeesssss). Nights are in the mid 40s to mid 50s

Hi WTM, Like another mentioned ph can be an issue without proper buffering. In that arena, they say indicas and sativas act differently. They each usually grow well together but if the soil goes high or low ph, one grows better than the other. My book isn't accessible to me know so I can't say which. Your condition may resemble this. Consider a slurry test on your soil. Simple repair could be some lime in a gallon of water, watered in. After answering the above question about buffering and phing feed/water. That might be all you need.

What is making the up pot ring in the soil so strong? Is there something there? How long have they been up potted?

The ring is from buckets that I used to cover the plants a couple nights ago. We had a crazy thunderstorm roll through with torrential downpours. They had been beat up a little from another storm the week before.

I think they’ve been potted up for at least two weeks.

Hey WTM. Looks like the guys have given you enough to chew on lol. Might I add one more thing to check? It looks like from the pics that your garden is at an elevated position. Have you had any strong wind or breezes recently? I have had leaves do that before and it was as simple as moving the fan a couple inches away from the plants that fixed it. Young plants can get a battering outside.

My guess is wind or temps

I have had two strong storms in the last 2 weeks. We’re on top of a hill but it has a decent amount of tree cover. I will say that the first storm was crazy windy, I think there were like 30+ mph gusts.

Thank you all so much. I think I need to do a real slurry test. I popped this pH meter that I bought from the garden center and had varying readings from each plant. The pH is concerning so I will look into using lime and ph adjusters for my nutes.

These first two are the ladies w the taco leaves.
Thank you all so much. I think I need to do a real slurry test.
It's a good starting point as you want to eliminate that as an issue. In case you needed it here's a link for a method on slurry testing. The last method is what most of us use but you'll see there will be other method types too.

Thing is, the plants don't look, to me, like they have any nutrient deficiency. The look like a clone that got removed from a humidity dome before it was hardened off. I'd put my money on temps, RH, and/or wind. :Namaste:
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