2 week stretch

Depends what media, nutrient and schedule. In hydro you feed short term so the switch is almost instant but soil can take weeks. She is using veg nutes for the stretch and won't draw up any flower nutes until she is in full flower. Full flower is when you have two pistols growing together or four per node. I use veg during 12/12 flip. Then 50/50 mix for the weeks of flowering stretch, then just flower nutes when they stop growing. Every plant and system is going to vary. I grow sativas with long stretch in hydro.
Depends what media, nutrient and schedule. In hydro you feed short term so the switch is almost instant but soil can take weeks. She is using veg nutes for the stretch and won't draw up any flower nutes until she is in full flower. Full flower is when you have two pistols growing together or four per node. I use veg during 12/12 flip. Then 50/50 mix for the weeks of flowering stretch, then just flower nutes when they stop growing. Every plant and system is going to vary. I grow sativas with long stretch in hydro.
Thanks, I'm growing in coco and have really never had a problem feeding at the start of the flip but this should save on bloom nutrients and it makes sense.
Thanks, I'm growing in coco and have really never had a problem feeding at the start of the flip but this should save on bloom nutrients and it makes sense.
In coco I increase veg ppm’s until I see pistils then I switch to my week 1 formula of flower nutrients.
All at 5.8 ph to runoff.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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