2.5 Tons Of Marijuana Found Abandoned

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
More than 2 1/2 tons of marijuana was found Thursday in two abandoned pickup trucks on the Tohono O'odham Nation west of Tucson by by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

The 5,145-pound load was seized by members of the Shadow Wolves — an ICE tactical patrol unit based on the Tohono O'odham Nation. The agents spotted vehicle tracks that led off Federal Route 1 in the west part of the reservation, according to an agency news release.

Agents followed the tracks for a mile through the desert before discovering the pickup trucks, which had been concealed with brush and tarps.

The marijuana, which was packed in bales, was taken to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Sells. No one was found near the trucks but the investigation is ongoing, according to the news release.

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Source: Arizona Daily Star
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Copyright: Arizona Daily Star
Website: 2.5 tons of marijuana found | www.azstarnet.com ®
If I was responsible for that fuck-up, in any shady drug-ring, I would probably not be alive... Or at least as soon as I saw the news I would just throw myself out of some high-flying plane... lol Damn... What A BURN!
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