2 x 400Watt Lucy & Blue Dream Soil


New Member
Well i have inherited some sick plants. After going threw Twinkie General Clinic for MJ, I am glad to report they are doing much better. I will post some picks so you can see them fom the start.

I am growing my third indoor grow. I will be using clones, the strains are lemon sour diesel (Lucy) and blue dream I am using soil organic happy frog soil which is hot but as much so as fox farms ocean forest potting soil. I will be using two 400 watt hps lighting system with rectangle air cooled hood. I will be using Blue Planet Nutrients farmers pride organic nutes. the air will be circulated by 250 cfm blower. Right now they are on a 20/4 schedule. thet get 16 jours a day with the hps lights and then 4 hours of light with the led panel

What strain is it Blue dream & lemon sour diesel
Lemon sour Diesel is indica dominant Lucy 85/15
Blue Dream is a sativa dominant 80/20
there are 4 plants 2 blue dream and 2 Lemon sour diesel
It is in Veg stage and both have a ten week grow period
They are about 2 weeks old
Indoor grow
Soil Happy Frog Organic soil
soil 1 gallon pots for now to be transplanted into 5 gallon air pots
the Size of light is 2 400 watt hps lights & 265 led lights
intake exhaust is a 250 cfm blower and out take is a 180 cfm blower
Temp of Room/ 75 to 80 degrees
RH of Room/ 45 to 60%
will water as needed
Type and strength of ferts used Blue Planet Nutrients

I have a question if someone can answer would it be good or bad if i had one grow light and 1 flowering light or both flowering since it has started producing flowers. What do you think?

herre are some pics they are getting better everyday.



Re: 2 400 watt lsd & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients

Whoa.... Blue dream with blue planet nutrients!! this is going to be awesome!!! Blue dream by far is my favorite sativa....taste is amazing, high will get ya going like coffee in the morning, and very smooth smoke....

Can't wait to watch this one!!
Re: 2 400 watt lsd & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients

Blue Dream is an amazing strain! Here's a picture of the last BD we pulled @ 9 weeks.

Hope you don't mind my picture post..

I can't wait to see your girls flower!
Re: 2 400 watt lsd & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients

Well since these guys were almost dead and i brought them back to life i am going to do an experiment with one. Did you ever hear of the topsie turvie tomatoe plant holder. It grows your plant upside down. So what I did was i put one of the Lucy's in it. I have pt a 265 led lights on the floor and hung the topsie turvie right above it. We will see how well mamrijuana grows upside down.
Re: 2 400 watt lsd & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients

Yes Leajlady that is fine it is good to see what my babies will look like in a couple of months. I have put them in hot soil (will I ever learn) so i will be using a reduced mixture of BPN nutes for the first 30 days or so. I am using reverse osmosis water but I am not sure about it. I am wondering what the plants think of the water that has no minerals and stuff. It is mostly purified out. That includes the all important calcium and magnesium I guess i will have to suplement with some organic cal/mag.:morenutes:

Number 2 California Orange!
Re: 2 400 watt lsd & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients

Yes Leajlady that is fine it is good to see what my babies will look like in a couple of months. I have put them in hot soil (will I ever learn) so i will be using a reduced mixture of BPN nutes for the first 30 days or so. I am using reverse osmosis water but I am not sure about it. I am wondering what the plants think of the water that has no minerals and stuff. It is mostly purified out. That includes the all important calcium and magnesium I guess i will have to suplement with some organic cal/mag.:morenutes:

Number 2 California Orange!
Re: 2 400 watt lsd & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients

I'm glad to report the Lucy in the topsie turvie made it threw transplanting and is reachig for those led lights. I tell you this hould be a hoot. I need to talk to one of our LED light sponsorers about how to proceed with this experiment. By the way the rest of my girls are doing fine in their new home. We will be feeding tomm using those Blue Planet Nutrients I got for my second grow. You should check it out they are doing great. I am enjoying the fruits of my first indoor grow some dj shorts blueberry :lot-o-toke:yum yum On the menu for the games tomm is the purple walrus that :cool:did so well i my first indoor grow

Number 2 California Orange!
Re: 2 400 watt lsd & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients

hey twinkie, i see the topsie turvie on t.v. and wonderd the same thing how mj would do in this grow style. im very interested in the results. thanx for sharing this with us. +reps
Re: 2 400 watt Lucy & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients


The new girls are safe and sound looking like they aer going to make it. I am still spraying for bugs so they dont come back. iwill post some pics soon

Number 2 California Orange!
Re: 2 400 watt Lucy & blue dream soil blue planet nutrients


Well the girls are doing OK. There has not been a whole lot of growth but i will post pics tomm.

Experiment number one the topsie turvie is doing ok. The leaves are curling and it doesnt look real healthy. You will see tomm from the pics. I thought there would have been more since it is getting led from below and hps from above the best of both worlds.

Experiment number two forcing air to the roots via a fish pump. It is getting the most growth of all 4 plants. Forcing air to the roots is helping a lot. We will see if it continues to out do the others.

Number 2 California Orange!
Re: 2 400Watt Lucy & Blue Dream Soil - Blue Planet Nutrients

Hey Twinkie,

I have a question if someone can answer would it be good or bad if i had one grow light and 1 flowering light or both flowering since it has started producing flowers. What do you think?

If you could only choose one type of bulb for each phase, it would be blue spectrum for vegetation and red spectrum for flowering. I'm sure you knew that. But, believe it or not, the best spectra for both vegetation and flowering is using blue and red spectrum bulbs.

Not sure if I was very clear. Let me summarize:

If you can, use blue and red spectrum bulbs for vegetation.
If you can, use blue and red spectrum bulbs for flowering.

The main stimulus to flowering is the amount of continuous darkness the plant experiences. About 12 hours is enough to start the plant to flower.

There is one grower who is using red spectrum for both veg and flower.
I came very close to using blue spectrum for both veg and flower. (I used it for the first 5 weeks of flower than switched to red spectrum.)

So, you can get by with pretty much any combination of lights.

Hope this helps.
Re: 2 400Watt Lucy & Blue Dream Soil - Blue Planet Nutrients


I had a gut feeling the new girls were going to have bugs it just looked like they had them but no signs till 3 days ago. I wen into the bloom room where the topsie turvie is and low and behold there were mites every where. I am so mad when i took them over I asked if they had bugs. Anyway they have been sprayed and it will be a part of my regiment to spray every few days. here are some pics they are recovering nicely.



Re: 2 400Watt Lucy & Blue Dream Soil - Blue Planet Nutrients

Any updates?
Re: 2 400Watt Lucy & Blue Dream Soil - Blue Planet Nutrients


Today i am getting my babies ready to transplant into their final home 7 gallon pots. I am using kity litter tubs. I got a router and drilled a hole in each side for good drainage. They have been socking in bleach water for a couple of days now. I am not sure what dirt to use. It has to be something that doesnt have a lot of nutes so I can use my Blue Plaet Nutrients.

The experiment i am doing the 2 lemon sour deisel where I have run air to the roots. they are going very well.

The topsie turvie continues to look scragly. It doesnt look so good but it is growing. So as long as it is growing I will stick with her.
Re: 2 400Watt Lucy & Blue Dream Soil - Blue Planet Nutrients

whats good twinkie!!!
I am a little shocked that I have not found your journal sooner than now!!! but I am glad that I found you!!!

one of the BPN Sergeants now here to watch your work!!! is that Farmer's Pride Organics I see in the back of some of those photos!!!

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