420 Member
Hey all! These plants are all in General Hydroponics cocotek and using Green Planet "take it and grow" nutrients kit. They are about 5 weeks from germination. Lately I am noticing the bottom leaves are dying off and some tip burn. Some purple stems too. I use the 5 gal jugs of water at room temp. On a side note I pasteurized the coco as there were larvae crawling for cover during watering after 3 days of the grow. Also used diatomacious earth to combat them and since haven't seen any. I was watering with about 5.8pH RO water and was around 800ppm on my feeds. Today I moved to 6.1pH after digging through more forums and dropped the ppm to about 400 as I am unsure what the issue is exactly. One pic is just showing the top as it was fim'd about a week and a half ago. Thanks in advance.