1st Indoor Grow - 9 Strains - Eek!

Ok - Here I will add the first Cheese lady to be harvested. She is on Day 61 of flower but her fan leaves have yellowed so badly that the small ones which will be in buds are now starting and I have to harvest her. She's right in time and trichs look good for me, so she goes today.

Cheese F-2...

Purdy colas...

And nice trichs...

And I think I'll just add an image I have of the 3 smaller Medijuana in the flower room. I put them in much earlier (shorter) and in their 8" pot. Yesterday they got transplanted to 3 gal bags. There will not be all the strectching that went with the first Medijuana plants. These are gonna grow short and single colas - we'll see what the yield is in the end. Here they are...

One more coming...
Last strain to harvest today is 3 Super Nova Chronic. SN6 and SN7 went hermie, but are both at day 62 of flowering (56 to 70 day strain). SN10 did not go hermie - it is just time to harvest and is at day 66 of flowering.

I did not get pics of SN7 - but it almost identical to SN6 shown below.

First, Super Nova Chronic 6.

And her colas...

And her trichs color and saturation... the Chronic does shine bright in the light...



And then Super Nova Chronic 10 (SN10). This lady is at day 66 of flowering and it is just her time. Love to look at her!!

And her colas...


And her trichs... she is so saturated!!!


Can you find the leaf between the trichs in that one???

Anyways... I took pics of everything but have NO more time until after all our holiday celebrations...


Ok - Here I will add the first Cheese lady to be harvested. She is on Day 61 of flower but her fan leaves have yellowed so badly that the small ones which will be in buds are now starting and I have to harvest her. She's right in time and trichs look good for me, so she goes today.

Cheese F-2...

fan leaves will yellow and die off towards the end of flower. Its normal. it will also creep into the bud leaves. Nothing to worry about this late in the game. have you been flushing these gals? In dirt you should flush 7-10 days from harvest.
fan leaves will yellow and die off towards the end of flower. Its normal. it will also creep into the bud leaves. Nothing to worry about this late in the game. have you been flushing these gals? In dirt you should flush 7-10 days from harvest.

:hug::hug::hug:McBudz:hug::hug::hug: So good to see you my McBudz honey!!! I didn't harvest a few plants when I said I was going to cuz I needed a few more days of flushing. One of the BB I didn't get flushed long enough and feel I can taste a bit of nutes, so I have been making sure at LEAST a week of flush since then, but usually more like 2 weeks.

Only have a few minutes here. I wanted to get at least a short message in so no one worried.

Hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas!!!!

It is extremely busy here for work and my hours are picking up AND harvesting/keeping up with the ladies has been chaotic with all the family get-togethers. I took pics when I harvested, but don't have time to upload any pics. I hope to do this Thurs - if not, it won't be until next week. I have kids over the New Year so my kids can go out - and that puts a damper on how much I can do with my ladies and with checkin' in. I also have a number of ladies overdue for harvest or at harvest, so hopefully things will ease up a bit after that is caught up!!!

No matter what - I have been takin' pics as I harvest and I will update as soon as I can, even if it's a bit behind on some!

Until then...



I have grandkids (will have my littlest baby overnight tonight for the first time) coming in a few hours and things to do before that, so this is gonna be another faster one. I am SO SORRY that I haven't had time for personal responses!!! I have taken time to do images (and there are a lot cuz I've been busy) and hope ya all enjoy even if I don't git ta visit much!!!

I've been busy and the following will show you some of it!!!

I'll start with what I harvested Dec. 27th.

I was pretty annoyed at the TWO Thai Tanic for spurtin' out female pollen sacs at just over 9 weeks. TT is supposed to go 63 to 84 days. The first TT I harvested last week was oh so nicely filled out (very nice dried buds to be pictured in the future!), so this was really disappointing to me. I didn't even take full plant or harvested pics cuz it ticked me off so bad!!! LOL - all better now for granny as you will see...

I will start with Thai Tanic 2-3. She grew to about 39" and was lookin' good and starting to really pack on bud. She was on day 65 of flower.
A Cola with 2 female pollen sacs righ on the top and a number of others farther down...

and female pollen sacs...

and more of them along with a good shot of the new growth this lady was puttin' on...

and another cola shot of her...

and a dark, side-ways, trich shot of her...

well, I grew her for the sativa head high... so I guess that's what I'll get!!

and I only have one shot of Thai Tanic 2-4 harvested on day 65 of flower. She had really wide buds coming on her and it super ticked me off to see the pollen sacs on her - I was so pissed she didn't get more pics!

Anyways... at least they were at their earliest suggested harvest times!!!

Next message... continues Dec 27th harvesting...
I'm only highlighting a few images of each plant in all of today's uploads - cuz there is a LOT of plants!!!

Back with a couple more Cheese ladies. This strain is pungently dank for aroma. I have a lot of super stinky varieties - but this one is the dankest. I didn't feel the Cheese ladies filled out with large buds, but what they had was super solid and hard buds. The weight of them kept these ladies working to support them and my wreath rings helped a lot.

My info for this plant simply said "10 weeks", but to me all the cheese flavors were finishing fine. Leaves were very yellowed on 2 out of 3 plants and trichs turning nicely so they got harvested. And yep, McBudz, I did know that the leaf yellowing can be very normal - they've been doing this for weeks and I wasn't concerned. But thank you honey for always watchin' over me!!!

Below is Cheese F-1, harvested on Dec. 27th on Day 65 of flower. She grew to 26" tall.



Surprisingly, the oldest Cheese is the one that did NOT turn yellow. She was harvested on Dec 27th on Day 69 of flower. She grew to 27" tall.



As you can see, I felt the trichs were fine oh fine for harvesting on these ladies.

Back with some Chronic... and much more...
Onward with some pics from the two Super Nova Chronic ladies I harvested Dec 27th...

This strain is listed as 8 to 10 weeks for harvest time.

I'll start with just a reminder of how saturated the Chronic is. It (and others) just sparkle in the light. This is pretty much how all of them look...

Below is Super Nova Chronic 6, this one also grew female pollen sacs, but it doesn't matter much cuz she was close to ready for me anyway. She was harvested on Dec 27th on day 65 of flower and grew to about 31" tall...

and after being boxed...

And then, Super Nova Chronic 10. She was harvested on Dec 27th on day 69 of flower. She grew to about 26" tall.

and without her fan leaves...


not the best trich shot, but will have to do...

and boxed in all her glory...

Well, that ends the 6 plants I harvested on Dec. 27th. Next we begin with those I harvested on Dec 30th!!!
I think I'll start the Dec 30th harvests with the last (third) of the original White Widow ladies I put to flower. This one didn't get as wide of colas, but she seemed to be the "whitest" of the white widow ladies.

The White Widow is supposed to go 8 to 10 weeks (56 to 70 days). I let this lady go to day 80. I was hoping she'd put on a last growth spurt and I waited for her trichs to change a bit more. She grew to 30" tall.

Here is just a few shots of this gorgeous lady on her final day...

and she was very very white...

and here she is all boxed...

Next, a return with THE G-13 HAZE!!!!!!
It's been a long wait for this lady - and she really pleases me!!! The ONLY original G-13 Haze survivor. This strain is listed as going 70 to 80 days for harvest. I harvested her Dec 30 on day 80 of flowering.

All this time I have not been able to properly show what this lady has to offer cuz she grew so dense. She grew only to 23" tall, but she was wider than that! Today is her time to shine. :)

G-13 Haze Day 80 of Flower

With her fan leaves...

and after fan leaf removal...

one of her nice colas...

and a view of how white she is with trichs too...

and last, her home for drying...

She smelled glorious with a hint of sweetness.

Not done yet!!!
Another LD (LOVE THIS STRAIN TOO!!!) from Barney's Farm. I have been truely pleased with this strain, but the two feminized plants sure did grow taller than the first un-feminized LD I grew. The first was I *think* around 24" tall and very wide and dense with bud. The two feminized LD grew to about 3 feet and didn't seem to pack as much bud, but maybe it's just distributed differently.

LD has harvest dates of 60 to 65 days. I harvested this LD (2-1) at day 72. She was putting on bud growth that I didn't want to stop and her trichs still had time to go for me. She grew to 35" tall. Below is LD 2-1 on harvest day...



even harvested later than suggested, her trichs were just fine...

Only one more message today I think! brb

Gonna end with highlighting the AK-47 that is among the plants left in the flower room - and then the sea of green that is still going IN the flower room but you can finally SEE it better now that some tall ladies are harvested!

The AK-47 colas grow very uniquely. I just wanted to highlight what a super plant this is and how unique it is. AK-47 is supposed to have harvest dates of 53 to 63 days. However, this one is still packing on the bud and I have let her go cuz she is sure giving me more and trichs are still fine.

Here she is in all her glory on day 69 of flower (NOT BEING HARVESTED YET!)...

And then her colas...


and a bit closer so ?maybe? you can see all the long little buds that make up the total cola which gets thicker and thicker down the cola...

And last a couple pics of the flower room after all those ladies were harvested... but you can make out more that are ready (there are 6 more to go soon).
The first shows the sea of green effect. The second I used a flash to show there are younger ladies (clones) budding nicely in the midst...


So I guess this means there is still a lot of work goin' on in Granny's jungle!!!

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