1st hydroponic grow


New Member
Okay so I am New here to 420mag although I have been learning so much from all of you guys so thank you very much for all the wonderful information!! I have failed in the past trying to grow with soil and a 300w HPS/MH bulb so I don't want to give it a shot again. (At least not right now anyway) I also hear that hydroponics are way better and quicker so I have decided to go with DWC!
So I have ordered the 144 reflector from Mars hydro with the 5w diodes and am currently waiting for it to get to me. May I say this light looks badass! I can not wait for it to get to me! I had ordered my seeds back in the middle of November from herbies which took a month to get to me, but hey they were free because they took so long that they refunded my money back to me, so I am not complaining at all. I have decided to do two strains at a time. The first two I have luckily chosen are: lemon haze and sweet red poison.(Lemon haze is bred by Royal queen seeds, and is a feminized hybrid of lemon skunk and amnesia haze and Red Poison is bred by Sweet Seeds, and is an auto-flowering hybrid of Green Poison and a Pakistani landrace strain, believed to be a Hindu Kush phenotype.)

I started the paper towel germination process for both seeds on December 18, 2015 shortly before 8pm. Left them in the dark and in a slightly warm environment. (Above my fridge worked perfectly)

The night of Tuesday December 22nd I checked my seeds to find that both were sprouted and that Both seeds had been fully cracked. So therefore I knew that I needed to plant both of these seeds ASAP before my roots either: started growing those small hairs on them, started sticking to the paper towel, or even before they started to dry out.
So my next step I thought to myself was to plant each seed into a rock wool cube. Although I have heard from a lot of others that rockwool tends to lean more alkaline than acidic and in terms would raise my PH. In which I did not want that! Especially since I have had troubles with rockwool in the past. So I decided to collect multiple PH readings of all the different water sources I had in my home.
Here is the collection of data I recorded of all The water sources I tested and their PH.
(Now I do not have a digital PH meter so I'm using the Suretest PH solution I bought from my local hydro store)

Tap water: 10.0 - 11.0
Brita filter water: 5.5 - 6.0
Great value drinking water: 5.5 - 6.0
Great value spring water: 6.5 - 7.0

After testing the PH of these four different types of water I then created my own PH up and PH down. (Using sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide) <----- I had learned this from tons of reading on here so thank you once again for all the helpful information everyone!

I then for shits and giggles, tested the PH to make sure that I made my PH down and my PH up correctly. The test results I received were:
PH up solution (Roebic): 13.0 - 14.0
PH down solution (sulphuric acid): 0 - 1.0
So everything seems to be on point and going well!

After collecting all of the data I wanted, I next researched that rockwool cubes should be soaked in water with a PH of 5.5. So I chose the Brita filtered water to soak them in. (Because I used the gallon of great value drinking water to create my PH down solution and I used the gallon of great value spring water to create my PH up solution. Which left me with Brita water or tap water and the Brita water was perfect) I soaked both cubes for a little over an hour. As I did not have time to soak them overnight like some people recommended. After I removed the cubes from the water that they soaked in I decided to take the PH. The water did slightly increase its PH by .5 so I took note of this but knew that around 6.0 should still be okay, and that if the PH was to rise I could slowly bring it down with my PH down solution. I set each rockwool cube on a plate and covered each with a plastic cup with some water on the insides of the cup for humidity. (Since my girlfriend threw out my damn humidity dome) lastly I put them under some light overnight and now that it is the morning and that 12 hours have gone by I have already seen them slightly get taller! It's so amazing to watch them grow! I can not wait to get my LED reflector from Mars hydro! Also if I may add I now do believe that rockwool is as good as people say for oxygen and water for the plants. I believe that my problem in the past was just simply that I never tested PH on anything and never knew much about PH.

Now I have the following items for my garden: 5 gallon buckets, net pots, commercial air pump, air line (black), air stones, Mars hydro 144 reflector (on the way to me), 10L bag of hydro ton, and the PH up and PH down solutions I created. I was wondering what other items I will be needing to improve my grow or keep things working and running smoothly? Such as calmag I hear a lot about. And the types of nutrients that I will need? Although I do not plan on giving my plants any nutrients until it is in the DWC bucket.

Thanks for all 420Mag
I'd suggest buying calibration fluids for your pH meter, if your meter slips out of calibration for whatever reason you will unknowingly mix nutrients out of the proper pH range and experience some issues.

A good thermometer and hygrometer is a very good idea to keep on hand, this will help you determine if you need environmental control devices for temp and humidity.

I have my vent fan controlled by a line voltage thermostat to keep the temperature in check, it really wasn't an option for me otherwise I would have needed a heater in my grow room. As is the fan can do a full air exchange in one minute, and keeps my temps at my desired point.

I need a humidifier and controller, my humidity runs lower than I like, my budget unfortunately will not support that just yet.

I just added a RO water filtration system, my water sucks, and while these systems do waste a large quantity of water my monthly bill isn't going to increase any more than $3 because if it.

As for nutrients, I decided on Dyna Gro which I mix at half strength. I have yet to see a need for CalMag with my grow thus far. If you see a need for calcium or magnesium add whatever the plant needs (at least that's my humble opinion). I think most really experienced Grower's can grow great cannabis with any nutrient line or combination of products, pick whatever you like its likely to do the job.
a RO system is a must if your water sucks, I was doing 6-5 gallon jugs at a water spot that was $0.35/gallon which would run me $10.50 for about 2 weeks of water. I was doing flood and drain to start. After 1 grow I almost spent as much on water as the cost of a RO system. Make sure that your water temps stay around the 68 degree mark. As it gets hotter, a lot of problems start. Whatever nutrients you go with,(for me) I have found that the 500 ppm mark works great(way less than the bottles say to use). I didn't see a ppm meter on your list, $20. You might not even need a RO system if your tap ppm's are low...
@DRM Ranch im currently using sure test PH test solution as I did not know where to get a reliable and trustworthy PH meter. I also was told they can be a bit expensive. I would love to get one and hopefully can invest in one soon, as I am sure it makes things a lot easier. Hygrometer and thermometer I definitely enjoy using so I can keep up with the humidity and make sure that the temps don't get up there. I will have to invest in new ones though as I no longer have those tools. Dynagrow seems to be like good nutrients I might give them a shot.Hmm just wondering What would be signs of the plant showing that it needs calmag?
You can check the accuracy against pH calibration fluids, I purchased both pH 4 and pH 7 fluids at my local hydro shop.

If you use a meter you are likely going to be best served by it if you add pH meter storage solution to the mix as well.
Thank you for all the great information and tips on the RO PTSDgrower!
$20 for a ppm meter ? Where would one find this ? And is it reliable, accurate, and gonna last?

Appreciate all the help and support 420Mag

I got mine from the large A internet retailer two years ago. An HM Digital TDS-4 for $20. Still working well. Don't forget to get some ppm calibration solution.
Price isn't always an indicator of quality or reliability, in the case of pH meters if you get consistent results it doesn't matter if it came out of a 50¢ bubblegum machine.

If it isn't reliable or consistent it isn't worth anything, and it might end up costing you more than you could imagine.

pH in hydro is the most important aspect of any grow that uses a complete nutrient system. If your choice was limited to just one meter, a pH meter would be the one thing to get.

As for a ppm meter, you could pretty much do OK without if funds didn't allow.

If you were to only use drops; I find that mixing your nutrients the filling way is accurate.

Mix your nutrients, then take 1/5 of those nutrients and correct the pH to 5, the 4/5 portion gets corrected to a pH of 6, finally mix the two together for a pH of 5.9.
Price isn't always an indicator of quality or reliability, in the case of pH meters if you get consistent results it doesn't matter if it came out of a 50¢ bubblegum machine.

If it isn't reliable or consistent it isn't worth anything, and it might end up costing you more than you could imagine.

pH in hydro is the most important aspect of any grow that uses a complete nutrient system. If your choice was limited to just one meter, a pH meter would be the one thing to get.

As for a ppm meter, you could pretty much do OK without if funds didn't allow.

If you were to only use drops; I find that mixing your nutrients the filling way is accurate.

Mix your nutrients, then take 1/5 of those nutrients and correct the pH to 5, the 4/5 portion gets corrected to a pH of 6, finally mix the two together for a pH of 5.9.

I finally bought my way up the Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect line. I no longer even check pH, much less try to chase it.
Thank you DRM ranch! Well I have some bad news for the new year:rip::rip::rip:

All my seedlings have died. Like I have mentioned before I have been using the sure test pH liquid test kit. It Has been getting me by and doing alright. I will definitely have to get that ppm meter though as soon as I have funds.

Here is what happened with my seedlings: (1 lemon haze, 2 red poison, cotton candy, killer Kush, and a few more) after they all germinated in the paper Towel method that I used I transplanted all my germinated seeds into rockwool cubes. I PH'd the water to 5.5 and let them sit for hours. (While checking the PH every hour since I know rockwool is more alkaline) well when it came time to plant the seedlings into the rockwool cubes all went well and a day or two went by with growth in rockwool. They seemed to be growing pretty well. But then one night all my plants were limped over. I had a feeling that it had to be the pH and that the rockwool cubes must have raised the pH and locked out the plant. I didn't know how to check the runoff PH of the rockwool because I didn't want to squeeze out water or mess up the rockwool cube. Nor did I want to mess up any of the roots inside the rockwool cube if any were still alive. Finally I had no choice but to do surgery on the rockwool cubes and get my roots out of there to then find out that they were all hard and dried up. So since they were all practically dead I decided to squeeze the water out of the rockwool cubes and tested the PH which read a Ph of 8+. I immediately knew this water was not good for my plants. And that this is what most likely killed them. Now I did forget to mention that I did keep humidity domes on all my rockwool cubes with the seedlings in them and that the growth was fine.

What am I missing ? What am I doing incorrectly? As I want to try a few of the seeds I have left but don't want the same thing to happen or for them to go to waste. I honestly thought DWC would be a lot better than this!! I'm understanding the PH and everything but don't know how to keep my plants stable in rockwool.
): sorry to hear the bad news, I have personally never messed with rockwool. I use rapid rooters and I'm not that experienced at cracking seeds. First time I did seeds, I used the jiffy greenhouse that you can pick up at lowes or probably any garden store for cheap. I planted 10 seeds in a 12 pod site and all of them sprouted and only 1 died. They are some kind of dirt mixture but it's only like a 1.5"-2" pod and you can put them in you net pot for dwc.
Thank you DRM ranch! Well I have some bad news for the new year:rip::rip::rip:

All my seedlings have died. Like I have mentioned before I have been using the sure test pH liquid test kit. It Has been getting me by and doing alright. I will definitely have to get that ppm meter though as soon as I have funds.

Here is what happened with my seedlings: (1 lemon haze, 2 red poison, cotton candy, killer Kush, and a few more) after they all germinated in the paper Towel method that I used I transplanted all my germinated seeds into rockwool cubes. I PH'd the water to 5.5 and let them sit for hours. (While checking the PH every hour since I know rockwool is more alkaline) well when it came time to plant the seedlings into the rockwool cubes all went well and a day or two went by with growth in rockwool. They seemed to be growing pretty well. But then one night all my plants were limped over. I had a feeling that it had to be the pH and that the rockwool cubes must have raised the pH and locked out the plant. I didn't know how to check the runoff PH of the rockwool because I didn't want to squeeze out water or mess up the rockwool cube. Nor did I want to mess up any of the roots inside the rockwool cube if any were still alive. Finally I had no choice but to do surgery on the rockwool cubes and get my roots out of there to then find out that they were all hard and dried up. So since they were all practically dead I decided to squeeze the water out of the rockwool cubes and tested the PH which read a Ph of 8+. I immediately knew this water was not good for my plants. And that this is what most likely killed them. Now I did forget to mention that I did keep humidity domes on all my rockwool cubes with the seedlings in them and that the growth was fine.

What am I missing ? What am I doing incorrectly? As I want to try a few of the seeds I have left but don't want the same thing to happen or for them to go to waste. I honestly thought DWC would be a lot better than this!! I'm understanding the PH and everything but don't know how to keep my plants stable in rockwool.

As for the seedlings drying out, it is my understanding that you can't easily over water plants in rockwool. That said, the stuff does dry from the top down.

If you have pics they might help figure out the issue with more accuracy.

Here's what has survived and an update with photos
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