1st Ever Grow - 1000W - 8'x4'x6.5' - Bag Seed - Advice Welcome


New Member
Greeting and Salutation my fellow Stoners ..

I am a newbie to 420(although have been stalking for some years now)... Finally got up the nerve and the space (moreso) to grow my own supply.. plus am tired of blowing a mortgage payment a month to keep in my required plot of sky and cloud.:smokin:
So i bought a 1000W MH light system (& HPS for flower..but using MH now) and a mylar grow tent (8ft x 4ft x 6.5ft) its pretty spacious...
So grabbed all the seed that i had burned and gathered along a five year span (a point when i was blowing some real good smoke for the nyc area) and germinated them using a wet paper towel a ziploc bag and a damp closet. started out with 40 seeds .. 32 spit the taproot and went into starter pots... and currently have 13 of which 7 are showing promise. But did not truly expect them all to pop (i mean outside of my smokey dreams of make believe)
Now of these 7 that are growing .. i think nicely (oh timeframe is 3/19-present day) but I have some questions... and can think of none more qualified than the good folk I have been reading about here .. (really kudos to the wrk that you guys are puttin in here!!!*wishing i had a clapping icon**
Each has a name and will use as referring to them to make things clearer..

MAry, and Betty
-These girls have yellowing tips and one of leaf tips are dry and curled downward.-

-2 of her 1st set of four leaves are yellowish in the center-

-All of her leaves have stood straight up pointing skyward-

Oh and i forgot to mention I am using DynaGro Liquid Grow Plant food 7-9-5 about 1/2tsp per morning watering ... afternoon/evening watering is plain water..
I used Vigoro organic & natural potting mix (soil) --mostly because did not know where to go to get "good soil" so raided the local home depot---

Am i doing something wrong??? if so what??? Am using the bagseed as practice ..
Green Crack
White Widow
White Vodoo
BArney's Pineapple CHunk
and wanna get process right or as close to it as a newbie 2nd grow can get with advice from the masters ..

as soon as i figure out how to post pics will post them . have a bunch .. so can see what i am talking about and get a better idea ...

Thanks a bunch in advance ... :adore::tokin::blunt::thanks::thanks:

"Wisdom.....a DIAMOND in the rough"
Re: 1st Eva Grw ..1000W lt-8x4x6.5Rm - Bagseed- and need real help...PLEASE... (beggi

Re: 1st Eva Grw ..1000W lt-8x4x6.5Rm - Bagseed- and need real help...PLEASE... (beggi

What am I doing wrong .... Help ....

Thanks ....
Re: 1st Eva Grw ..1000W lt-8x4x6.5Rm - Bagseed- and need real help...PLEASE... (beggi

I see a lot of bark..too much bark could cause root issues, as the plants will waste time trying to go thru rather than around and creates other root like problems. not saying that's the issue, but giving them perlite or something else to ease their root growth would be helpful. also bark tends to carry quite a bit of N with it, so too much hurts them that way as well...for the twisting and other things, have you controlled your pH going in and checked it going out in runoff?
Re: 1st Ever Grow - 1000W lt - 8x4x6.5Rm - Bagseed - And Need Real Help Please - Begg

I think you might be watering them to a little to often. Once every 2 days is what I noticed works. Let them dry out a bit and it and don't give any more nutrient feedIngs for atleast 2 weeks to see how they do. I usually lift the pot or stick my finger in the soil an inch if it's moist ot heavy I wait. If it's light or dry I drench it. It's prob nute burn though they look only a week old most people wait until after 3 weeks or so to start giving nutrients and they start small 1/4 to 1/2 to 3/4 to maybe a full if the plants are showing no negative reactions. Most growers I notice only hive nutrients once a week or every other week just to let u know how bad per morning sounds :) I hope you figure it out!
Re: 1st Ever Grow - 1000W lt - 8x4x6.5Rm - Bagseed - And Need Real Help Please - Begg


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@MrLoveGrow ... Thanks ... Am learning ... Was told that they need a lot of water .. Have begun to lift and test (getting my mild workout on) ... Have also cut down on how offer I was feeding them nutes will adjust to once a week... Thanks for illuminating the error of my ways ... Thanks again... Appreciate the help and the visit ....
Hey Wisdom, your welcome. I'm no expert so take my advice with a grain of salt, but if you might want to look into getting another light strick for seeds/clones and early veg. I have always used a 4 bulb t5 setup for mine and they are always healthy and lush. They don't create heat so you can put them almost an inch from the bulbs I never go closer than 3 inches myself. Even Cfls are great for those stages but once your over 2-3 weeks old 1000 watts all the way. Good luck!
I have started my first grow as well, like you I used bag seed to practice on. I just received my order of autos and have several in the ziplock . I have no real knowledge but I bought miracle grow soil, started the bag seeds, and only light water for 2 weeks, then started nutes. T5 4'x 8 bulb fixture. At 4 weeks in they are looking good, and the only deaths so far have been from me attempting hydro. After reading on here and various other sites I am almost scared to water and feed them lol. good luck bro
Only water when they are dry, they will be light when dry like almost no weight to them. You can also finger the top inch and bottom hole in your pots to see if there is any moisture. Never water if it's wet/moist. Buy a good soil like fox farms ocean forest for transplanting into bigger pots. Happy frog is good for new seeds as it had beneficial microbes for roots.

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Hope all is well in your world.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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