1er Francais

un autre francais!!
merci pour le pet... ça va toi??
tu connais bien ce forum??on y apprend des trucs sympa??

and for my second new best friend...(:yummy:) you can speak in english I could understand but sorry for the future mistake I will make when I'll speak in english...:grinjoint::grinjoint:

so I hope I will learn plenty things here!!
see you..

I don't understand the link between me and the galactic hitchhicker's...???
austin humour maybe!!!! ;-)
thank's for your welcome!!!
see you soon american friend!!
for future reference guys, please note that this is a forum for our members in france to discuss Cannabis legality and events in france only... this is not a regular forum for everyone, only for people in france... if you wish to discuss Cannabis politics in france, that is fine, but please do not use these 420 action forums for normal conversations...

thank you...;)
Salut Norrin, tu es peux etre le premier Francais, mais pas le premier qui parle la langue! ;)

En passant, bienvenue parmi nous. Je suis certaine que tu vas bien aime ca, tu vas voir, il y a beaucoup d'information qui te seront utile d'une maniere ou d'une autre!

J'ai ete quelques fois en Europe, mais je n'ai jamais consommer en France. Alors, dis moi, comment sont les lois concernant le cannabis chez vous. Est-ce que vous etes tolerant? L'herbe est comment? Au plaisir!
for future reference guys, please note that this is a forum for our members in france to discuss Cannabis legality and events in france only... this is not a regular forum for everyone, only for people in france... if you wish to discuss Cannabis politics in france, that is fine, but please do not use these 420 action forums for normal conversations...

thank you...;)

Rob, should this thread be moved to Introductions?


DaMagoMan a écrit au sujet du site Internet (BabelFish) qui traduit des mots dans une langue différente. Veuillez ainsi pardonnent mon français, puisqu'il est traduit de l'anglais avec le logiciel. Il fait très beau de vous rencontrer.

Oh man, I just translated that back to English from French and it's pretty funny.

By the way, what are the laws in France regarding Cannabis. Is hash treated the same as buds? :peace:
A couple of my friends are French and they've mentionned to me that the hash over there was pretty good and fairly popular. Some of it is imported from Morocco as well as other african countries. I'm sure Norrin will be able to tell us more ;)
La fumée en France est la même que l'a jamais été, n'est pas bon. Paris est toujours merde et la police sont toujours des imbéciles.
hey !

je me tate... englais ou francais ? en francais je m'exprime quand meme mieux ! lol.

j'etait sur cannaweed depuis un petit bout de temps mais ce site est quand meme a la traine (en fait comme la majorité des pays non anglophone......).

je cherche de l'optimisation pour mes futures cultures (coco).

for the english guys, i have to tell u that france is the first consumer of ganja in e.u ! but the laws are really hard and the reppression is everywhere.

the quality of haschich is really bad, unless if u know the people to, and if u buy in large quantity.

i almost never smoke haschich in france, because most of the time it's fuckin' shit !!! or it's to expansive...

so i usually have a nice closed with a lot off pretty girl in ;)

some people in here are really open minded and there is a lot of nice smoker !

peace, jah bless u.
Faites tourner le joint, je vis en France moi aussi. Bonjour !!!!! C'est chiant de devoir aller à Amsterdam pour consommer du cannabis mais bon........ peut-être cet été. :(
salut à tous !!!!

aller hop , gros UP !! ça ne fais pas de mal

le topic mérite d'etre d'actu , les français manifestez vous :)
La fumée en France est la même que l'a jamais été, n'est pas bon. Paris est toujours merde et la police sont toujours des imbéciles.

Only for those who don't know where to find it. in 2015/2016, the weed found in france is mainly grown in France and the qualiy can be really great. Not everyone has access to this, especially the young ones, because they are scared who will give you up to the police if they get caught, and few dealers of quality products want to sell them anything because of that. The youth is condemned to smoke bad hashish from morocco and bad weed grown by you don't know who or how: this is bad for the reputation of weed in general.

Happy smoking of the good french weed ;-) There are French breeders now, breeding inside the French territory, and their seeds are on sale in major seeds shops of Europe.

Illogical ? no, that's France (and Europe in general) :-) I love france, it is my country, but it is going in a really weird path since 10 years.
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