100 Dollar Grow Room


420 Member
I normally grow outside. I have a Marshmallow OG and an Ice Cream Pie growing outside that are lush and happy. However. I had this seed that I got from some dispensary weed. I figured I'd take a chance and grow it, see if it was male or female, and run an 18hr light cycle so it can catch up in size a little bit before I put it with the girls outside. And I figured this would be a good time to try and grow inside for the first time. But money is tight.
I'll tell you what, this set up I got is less than 100 dollars and this baby is looking GREAT!
I got a Gixxer light for 60 bucks, some fans for 10 bucks, Bluetooth thermo/hydro meters from Geovee for 10 bucks, a humidifier for 15 bucks and some mylar blankets for 5 bucks.
Never had high expectations for this Gixxer light and was planning on returning it if the plant didn't respond. But boy did it respond. After my clones take root and it gets a little bigger, I'll be putting this outside to flower with the others and put my clones under this light. Whoever said you had to have an expensive set up to get results lied. I'll be getting a tent and a charcoal filter for winter.

You don't need expensive equipment to start your plants BUT Try finishing with that set-up indoors and you will most likely be dismayed Compare to a top equipment indoor grow or even your outside results. You are already using the best equipment money can't buy - outside lighting. The set-up you have is great for what you want to do ...clone, veg a bit, move outside to flourish and flower - can't get better than that plan especially at that price. I just use a 250w cfl myself for cloning and vegging a bit, no tent - it's all you need to start them. If you going to winter grow, depending on location, how many, and tent size - you'll probably want a better set-up especially since you will be flowering them inside. When inside growing, the better lighting, exhaust, tent, et.c makes a difference in quality and yield. Been down the cheapy route and learned. You get back exactly what you invest in.. in general. Invest in a cheapy tent...watch the zipper break on its third use...hello light leaks. I'm as cheap as they come... but then there's cheap, and then there's doing it right on a budget. I don't buy the most expensive equipment, BUT I buy the right equipment to do what it's supposed to do. It might not be john deere caliber...but it gets the job done!

looks good by the way

just my 2 cents, probably not worth half that!

good luck to ya, hope it works out the way you expect
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