10% Testing Services!

I am a Sampling Agent for Virginia Maybe we will talk soon. I haven't looked at the site but where are you located? I like to be interactive with the LAB mostly. But things can always change.
I am working on a Fertilizer Line. Would your company be a good choice to send and get it tested for the overall Nutrition Facts? Could you give me a few examples of such? Relationships at work.

I am a Sampling Agent for Virginia Maybe we will talk soon. I haven't looked at the site but where are you located? I like to be interactive with the LAB mostly. But things can always change.
I am working on a Fertilizer Line. Would your company be a good choice to send and get it tested for the overall Nutrition Facts? Could you give me a few examples of such? Relationships at work.

Hello, absolutely. We have worked with and are currently working with several nutrient and substrate companies. I'd be more than happy to discuss!
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